She remembered a song that James taught her some months earlier.

Soon she was singing You say by Lauren Diagle and was smiling again.

"Hey Marilyn, what are you doing here all alone? Don't you want to play with your friends?" Her teacher asked her.

"I don't have friends."

"Everyone has friends."

"Not me."

"Why do you say that?"

"They all run away from me because my parents aren't with me."

"Who did that?"

"Harry and his friends."

"Harry!" The little boy ran to them.

"Why did you say that she has no parents?" He looked down and then at Marilyn.

"Apologize to her right now."

"I'm sorry, Marilyn."

"It's fine, I forgive you."

"Good, now Marilyn, go and play."

"No, I want to read my Bible."

"Can you even read yet?"

"A little. My brother taught me how. He knows everything."

"You really are a wonderful child."


"Remember, tomorrow is show and tell day, so bring your pets to school. And remember to tell your parents that they should come too."

"Yes, teacher."

"Can my brother come instead?"

"Of course, Marilyn. Okay, pack up, the bus is waiting outside."

Marilyn put her bag on and walked out of class, she was about boarding the bus when James called out to her and she ran to him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as he lifted her.

"I came to get you, today we're going to have lunch with Henry's mom and dad."

"Yes!" She cheered as he carried her to Henry's mom's car.

"Hi, four eyes," she said to Henry as James sat her in the car next to him.

"I see you've been learning a lot from your brother?" Henry's mom asked.

"Come on, aunt Daisy. That's not cool."

"That's a lie. That was so cool cause she's so cool," Marilyn stood up and kissed her cheek.

"You see? You guys are turning my sister against me."

"No, she just loves us, right Kayla?" Henry spread his arms for a hug.

"Yeah four eyes, I sure do, if you say so," she replied and everyone started laughing at him.

They soon reached the restaurant.

"Henry, you guys go into the restaurant, I'll park the car and meet you there. Your dad's already in," his mom instructed once they reached the restaurant parking lot.

They entered the restaurant and met Henry's dad.

"Hey, James and my little girl, look how much you've grown in the past week."

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