"Then I will walk you back. You may get lost in woods" mew said.

"Oh...Seems like you know the woods very well. Is this your regular business spot? How great!" Gulf mocked him again.

"Babe please " mew sighed looking at gulf.

Gulf shook his head.

"Let him go "  gulf said pointing at the man.

"You should go back before it gets dark. " mew said.

"You will let him go right?" Gulf asked almost pleading.

"Aldri , Walk gulf to the other side. Don't let anyone see you. " Mew said nodding his head to aldri.

"Me..." Aldri asked but still walked towards gulf with caution.

"Mm.Sir?" Aldri called. He felt weird calling gulf that. He never called anyone sir before. He called mew as a boss too.

Mew softly pulled gulf near and kissed him hard. Gulf closed his eyes for a second as he felt a kiss on his lips. But he quickly opened them and pulled away lightly.

He gulped looking around. His eyes once again fell on mew cheek.

"Keep some ice to that," Gulf whispered. He can't help but worry. He kissed mew cheek softly and stepped back to walk away with aldri behind him in a safe distance.

Mew was smiling touching his cheek. But hissed lightly when it throbbed.

"Your brother is working 24 hours. But look at you? Killing people for money?"  Gulf asked after walking for 10 min making Aldri flinch.

"I am doing this for Steve. I need to make money for us. This is the only thing I know. Sir.." Aldri replied his head lowered.

"Only way what? Killing?"  Gulf scoffed disbelievingly.

Aldri opened his mouth to speak but closed again.

"You can go now - " Gulf started but stopped when he heard. 


Gulf eyes went wide at that.  He turned around to see aldri who is slipping his steps backward with his palms over both cheeks.

"Walk straight with the row of palm trees " Aldri said without stopping his backward steps.

"ByeSir " Then he ran away. Gulf palms formed into fists as he walked along with the palm trees

It took him 2 hours to reach the other end. Where students stood in groups talking to themselves as instructors talked into phones with a worried trio in front of him.

"Gulfy!" Nick saw him first and ran to him followed by the girls and instructor.

"Are you okay? We are so worried!" Nick examined hugging gulf.

"I got lost in the woods. I walked around randomly and finally got my way back. " gulf explained forcing a smile.

"Thank God. I was a second away from calling the search team " Instructor said patting gulf's shoulder.

"Can I go to my room? I want to take some rest." Gulf said. 

"Of course. You don't have to join us in a bonfire if you don't feel good. Take good rest. " The instructor said making gulf nod.

"Got to your rooms guys! All of you! Clear up!"  The instructor said making everyone walk away.

"See you later guys," Gulf said and walked away to his shared room with laya.

Suddenly Married [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now