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Gulf pov.

"You know, My friends can pick me up. You don't have to wake up this early to drive me. " I spoke as I heard mew yawn again.

He shook his head still yawning.

"I need to make sure everything is fine with the people who take you to the camping for  3 days " Mew mumbled in a sleepy voice as he sipped the coffee in his hand.

I have packed everything and ready to go camping with my best friends and classmates. It takes us 5 hours to reach the camping location. So, We are asked to get to campus early. Then we can start early from there the   Mew said he needs a coffee before he drove me off to the campus. So, I prepare some for both of us.

"Come, Sit with me. " Mew asked stretching his arm. I rolled my eyes at that. I am sitting on a single couch beside the one mew sat.

I walked to him to sit beside him. His arms curled around my shoulder instantly.

We drank coffee in comfortable silence.

"Shall we go now?"  I asked once we finished the coffee.

"Kiss me,"  mew said leaning his face to mine. Then I attached our lips. Mew quickly pulled me into his lap as he kissed me hard which left me breathless. I panted looking into his eyes as he clutched me tight on his lap.

"What's that?" I asked once I started breathing properly. I thought it was going to be a little kiss but he kissed like he wants to take me in here, this minute.

"I already miss you,"  He said more like whined as he hid his face into my chest.

A laugh left my lips.

"You are acting like a lovesick teenager," I said in a teasing tone that made mew whine even more. I could help but chuckle.

"It's only 3 days mew," I said softly letting my fingers through his hair.

We sat there like that for few minutes before I nudged him to let go. He let me stand up from his lap lazily.

"Let's go. Let's go "  I walked him out of the house by pushing his shoulders from behind with me walking behind him.

Then we are driving towards my uni with my luggage on the back seat. We are silent for the whole ride except for mew hand resting on my thigh.

It did not take more than 3 min to reach the campus. There are 4 buses parked in a line in front of the campus building.

Students are standing all over the road in little groups talking, taking pictures. Some of them already sat in the buses. Instructors are noting the names of students who are getting into the bus. I checked my watch for the time.

"I still have 30 min before the buses start. " I said once mew parked his car at the other side of the road. 

"I will stay until the buses move " mew replied opening his door to get down. I followed his actions and got down. I walked around to the car to reach mew. He opened the back seat to get my luggage on wheels.

"Oh ho! Thats not what I meant " I said chuckling when I reached him and held his arm

"You can leave.  You don't need to wait 30 min. My friend will be here any minute. They will keep me company. " I explained when I saw a frown on his face.

"I want to stay " mew replied in a voice that gave me no choice to oppose.

"They are staring, mew " I tried again.

Mew laughed at that and gave me a look 'so what?'

He leaned his back to the car as his eyes swept over the place in front of him then back on mine. He pulled me near tugging on my summer shirt which I paired with beach shorts and a hat too. We are going to the beach after all.

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