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Finally...Mew pov! Enjoy

I don't know when it's started. But it's started somehow. I am falling for him. My husband.

Never in my life, I had these feelings for someone. I was indeed in some relationships in the past but I never felt this attracted to a person.

He is still sassy and an Idiot. But somehow I started liking that idiot. It's getting unbearable that I can't stay in the same room with him without staring at him. It's like...I am drawn to him.

The night he got drunk. He was all over me. Touching me. Hugging me. Telling me drunken stories. He was so cute. He even insisted on sleeping with me on the 'couch' because he doesn't want to sleep in the bed with barriers. I am sure that's when it started. I was just stupidly attracted to him. This urge to pull him to me. See him smile at me, blush when I say something sweet to him.

Ahhh.Those weeks stayed in New York are unbearable. I could not just stop thinking about him. Today, when I came back...I almost laughed at what he did to our home to get back at me.

He is such a little idiotic bastard. I could not even get mad at him anymore. Everything he does is amusing me.

I mean...he is still kinda annoying. Maybe a lot. But I like it. He just bragged into the middle of my meeting to embarrass me but it backfired at him. It took a lot to hold my laughter.

But..When I looked at his 'fake Hickey's '. I could not hold my jealously. Then I realized how fucked up I am. I am so into him that the thought of him being with someone else making me go crazy.

Sometimes, when I see him I just want to jump on him and kiss the life out of him. But I could not do it, not without getting punched. But I can't help it. I am so into him. I am sure one of these days I am just gonna jump onto him without thinking about the consequences.


"Hello, mister. People here need the bathroom too. " I heard my husband say from outside the bathroom door.

I was standing in front of this mirror for the past 15 minutes lost in thought.

"You can come in. I am just brushing " I called out picking my toothbrush from the holder cup.

The couple toothbrushes. I can't help but smile at them. I am such a simp.

"Damm...You take forever to brush your goddamm teeth " he mumbled and stood beside me taking his brush.

He put the paste and started brushing his teeth standing beside me.

"Ai dant ave a sujt " he said something with a brush in his mouth.

"Waaht?" I asked with the brush in my mouth too.

"I saaud I dant ave a sujt " he repeated rolling his eyes.

I gave a look 'what the hell are you saying'. he rolled his eyes spitting out the toothpaste.

"I said, I don't have a suit " he said cleaning his mouth.

"Oh," I said.

"What do you mean by 'oh' " he said mocking me.

"What do you want me to do? Buy one if you don't have one " I replied.

I don't want to go acting like a sweet husband out of nowhere. I am sure he will punch me straight in the face If I act like a sweet husband out of nowhere.

"I don't want to waste my money on the stupid suit which I am not gonna wear for the second time " He replied.

"Want me to buy you a brand new suit? I will buy you but with a return offer. " I said wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

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