A New Chosen One

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Steve turned in response to the all too familiar voice and saw Neos and Sub who were standing at the doorway looking as excited as ever which forced a slight grin from Steve.

Steve: Wait, what're you guys doing here?

Neos: Isn't it obvious? Terra's our home too, ya know, and we aren't content with watching it get torn apart by a power hungry father either.

Sub: Yeah, besides, you're gonna need all the help you can get. We're a team, remember? We stick together til the bitter end, and that's final.

Steve: I... Thank you... Together, I have no doubt that we can finally put an end to him once and for all...

Neos: Well, we are gonna need some gear, which is actually why Grimmus wants us in the armory.

Steve: Wait, what? He wants us in the armory? I didn't even know that this place had an armory.

Sub: Neither did we until Grimmus brought it up.

Neos: Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go!

As Neos and Sub both began to rush out of the room, Steve stayed behind to give Ava a kiss on the cheek as well as a hug.

Steve: I'll be back... I promise... I love you, Ava...

Ava: I love you too...

The two released their hug, and Steve ran off to catch up to the others while Ava stood motionless at what had just been said between the two.

Ava: He.. actually said he loved me...

Once Steve had finally caught up with Sub and Neos, they all three continued to run for a bit longer until they had finally made their way to the armory room. Once they entered, they saw Grimmus carefully examining and testing weapons in an attempt to make sure that they were able to be used. They continued to look around on the walls only to see countless different types of guns and swords as well as miniature bombs that all seemed primed for the taking.

Grimmus: Ah, you're awake!

Steve: Yeah, and I gotta say, this sure is a sight to behold when you first get out of bed. Speaking of, how long was I out for?

Grimmus: Surprisingly, not long. You were out for about seven hours, but all the same, we need to hurry if we're gonna stop Jack.

Sub: Yeah, he's probably turning Terra into his own personal playground right about now.

Steve: That's just all the more reason why we have to hurry and stop him. So, what do you have for us Grimmus?

Grimmus: Well, I matched your weapons to fit the way that each of you fight. Aside from that, you'll each be given chest-plates that I've managed to forge with nanotechnology.

Neos: Wait, what do they do?

Grimmus: Well, it's a very new type of technology, so truth be told, I can't promise that it'll work one hundred percent of the time. I can, however, promise that it's still worth giving a shot because assuming that it does work, it'll give you a massive advantage over Jack's Poweress abilities.

Steve: What kind of advantage are we talking about here?

Grimmus: I'm glad you asked, Steve! See, I programmed these chest-plates to withstand the kinetic energy that Jack releases once he's drained the energy from something else. That means that whenever he tries to hit you with any of his energy, your plating should be more than capable of taking the hit for you.

Sub: Wait, so you're saying that these things will pretty much act as shields?

Grimmus: That's exactly what I'm saying, Sub! You're as perceptive as always!

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