Staying the Night

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Ava ran to her house to get her stuff as quickly as possible. Unable to contain herself with how excited she was to be spending the night at Steve's for the first time, she accidentally ran into two people just to get to her house as fast as she could. Once she got there, she grabbed everything that she felt she would need and stuffed it all in a bag, and she would then exit the house with the bag hanging on her shoulder and would begin making her way back to the castle. Realizing that the weight of the bag added a bit of energy requirement, she wasn't able to get back as fast as she got to her house, but she didn't care. The only thing that was coursing through her mind was the idea of spending more time with Steve. Regardless on if it was a possibility, she still felt bad for bringing up his deceased brother the way that she did. Unsure of if he was still mad at or her or not, she began to question more and more the idea of staying at the castle for the night. Nonetheless, she decided to go through with the idea and would finish her journey back to the hilltop castle. Once she reached the front gates, the guards were quick to let her in with how recognizable she had become to them. Eager as one could be, she ran to the living area where Sub awaited her return.

Sub: Well, you sure got back fast.

Ava: Hehe, yeah, I wanted to hurry and get back so I'd have as much time to spend with Steve as possible.

Sub: Haha, I guess you've got a point. Anyways, Steve is in his room from what I had heard from workers, so if you want, you can go there and talk to him while I take your bag to your room.

Ava: Oh, alright. Thanks Sub.

Sub: No problem.

Sub took Ava's bag and began to make his way to her room while Ava began to make her way to Steve's room. Once she got there, she knocked on the door in an attempt to get a response from Steve which she did.

Steve: Come in.

Ava slowly entered the room with Steve seeming happy as always to see her.

Steve: Oh, hey! What's up?

Ava: I have a surprise for you.

Steve: Really? What is it?

Ava: Guess who's staying the night...

Steve: No freakin way! Really?!

Ava: Yes!

Steve jumps out of bed immediately wrapping his arms around Ava swinging her around in an attempt to show how eager he was to hear the news.

Steve: Are you serious? You're actually staying?

Ava: Yeah, I'm actually staying.

Steve: Yes! Alright, well... I'm sorry, I've just not had anyone stay the night before, I'm not entirely sure what you're supposed to do.

Ava: Hehe, you're such a dork. How about we go see what's on TV?

Steve: Alright, that sounds fine!

Just as they were about to leave the room, they turned around to be greeted by Sub at the doorway of Steve's room.

Sub: Hey, catch!

Sub tossed a bag at Steve which he was able to catch. It was a nearly flat brown bag that Steve was unsure of what it was for.

Steve: Ummm... What is this?

Sub: Heck, I don't know. Grimmus heard that Ava was staying the night, and he gave me a few bags that look just like that. He said to take one to the kitchen and put it in a "microwave" for about one minute and thirty seconds. As far as what that is, I have absolutely no clue, but he swore that it was worth trying.

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