Chapter 7 | Sorcerer

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„So what's your plan?" Gaius asks, looking worried at the young black haired boy.

„Like I said, saving Camelot and hoping not to die." He answered as the stormed out the room making his way into the courtyard.

He closed his eyes, tried to make out where the power that filled the air was coming from, before realizing it was completely unnecessary.
In the middle of the yard laid a red carpet, completely unaffected by the wind surrounding it, different to the people kneeling next to it.
It took Merlin about a second to recognize the figures of his friends.

Arthur stood up trying to hold Gwens limp body and carrying it away from the danger, while his own body was tugged to every side.
„Everyone get inside, leave the yard!" The king screamed against the wind, everyone who hasn't already followed his order ran into the closest house.

Merlin ran over to his friends „Is she alright?" He asked, loud enough for them to hear.

„Shes weak. Where is the sorcerer?" Arthur replied just as loud.

„On his way."

„Then get inside." Arthur tried to drag him along, or he just tried to keep himself from falling, by grabbing him by his arm.

Merlin brushes his hand of, almost falling over at the process „Go ahead, I'm right behind you." He pushes the king forward.

He gives his servant a confused look „You haven't found the sorcerer yet, have you?"

„Almost, now go and get Gwen somewhere save, before its to late."

Just when he finished that sentence, something that looked like a branch flew right over their heads, Arthur pulls Merlin by the shoulder, forcing him to duck. Arthur looked at him for a moment, refusing to let him go. „I'll be fine, just go."

He pushed Arthur forward again, there was no time to argue, if Merlin doesn't go to find this guy they will be doomed anyway.

The courtyard was empty. The wind brought all the dust of the dry ground into the air, making if hard to see. A lot more things than just branches have now left their usual place. A whole carriage, once filled with hay, seemed like it was about to lift up.
Merlin made his way to the eye of the storm, but contrary to common believe it wasn't calm there, the summoning circle might be held in place by magic, but the closer Merlin got to it, the harder it was to hold himself onto the ground.

There was no one else next to the carpet, the sorcerer that called this spirit must have left right after her work was done.
Merlin kneeled down, putting his hands on both sides of the circle, starting to call out the words he read just a few moments ago in one of his books.

As he cast this spell, he needed another to hold himself on the ground and another to keep flying objects from hitting him, even for a warlock as powerful as himself this was a huge challenge but it worked and it will keep working if everything goes according to plan.
But it never does.


Arthur was just about to close the door behind him, reliefed that he had made it, as he saw a small silhouette, wandering through the dust, holding on to the walls surrounding the courtyard only barely holding himself on his feet. He looked around, there was no one else around except another person, kneeling in the middle of the yard, unaffected by the storm. The sorcerer.

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