No place I'd rather be

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The five backed up and took the ride that Theophilus Goon offered them. They said goodbye to Jo and Joanna's friend, Jo's guardian, and piled into the police car. It didn't take long to get back to Kirrin Cottage but long enough that Cassia had fallen asleep. Her head was resting on Dick's shoulder, breathing lightly as she dreamt about being back at home with her mother again.

"Come on Dick, wake her up" George moaned, "If you wont wake her, I will"

"I will, I will" Dick said, stroking Cassia's hair.

George rolled her eyes, leaned over towards them and shoved Cassia awake. Cassia squinted, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light. Dick kissed her forehead while glaring at George. George chuckled, following Julian and Anne into her house. 

Dick and Cassia got out of the police car and entered Kirrin Cottage, no longer wanting to be in the dark police car. The smell of cooking food filled the couple's noise as they walked into the house and following the light into the dinning room.

Sat round the table was Theophilus Goon, Aunt Fanny, Uncle Quentin,George, Julian, Anne, Timmy, Mrs Stephen and Roxy. Roxy jumped onto Cassia, making her walk back into the wall behind her. The girl let go of Roxy and ran into her mother's arms. 

"One of my colleagues found your dog locked up in a shed" Theophilus Goon said, putting his empty cup of coffee down on the table and then departed from the three families to continue his duty.

"Right, you five should probably go to sleep. I suspect you have had a long night" Aunt Fanny said, shooing them up the stairs. 

The children and the dogs went straight to bed, so relieved to be somewhere safe. All had happy dreams knowing that the mystery was solved and they were all together again.  


Cassia woke up the next morning to her stuff packed at the foot of her bed. Aunt Fanny came in a few minutes later to wake the girls up as Julian, Dick and Anne's parents were here to collect them. 

Dressed and ready to go, Julian, Dick, Anne and Cassia all said goodbye to George and her family, thanking them for their care. Timmy and Roxy both wagged their tails, knowing they would see each other very soon. The two families walked out of the house and the Barnards began to get into their car. Before Dick got in, he went over to Cassia and hugged her. 

"I'll see you at Christmas" He whispered into her hair. 

The two pulled apart from their hug and Dick grabbed her hand. He placed something into her hand and closed it. He kissed her one last time and got into the car. As the Barnard's drove down the driveway, the children waved at each other, hoping the time would pass quickly. 

When the car was out of sight, Cassia open her hand and saw a new necklace chain. She smiled and walked back over to her mother. The two held hands as they walked back to their house. Roxy trailing behind them. All was silent, except for Roxy barking at a few birds along the way. 

"I thought you were in Scotland" Cassia said, quiet curious on how her mother had managed to get from Scotland to Dorset in such short amount of time. 

"I didn't actually go to Scotland. I just knew that your father's friend was always watching you so I couldn't say that I was still here" Mrs Stephen said.

Cassia reached into her pocket and brought out the broken necklace. She placed the broken necklace and the new chain into her mother's hand. Her mother let go of her hand and was fiddling around with the necklace. When they were just about to walk up the path leading to their house, she handed Cassia the necklace back. Her mother had managed to get the new chain in the little hole connecting the heart to the chain. Cassia put the necklace around her neck and held the heart in her hand. 

"Race ya" Her mother said, running up the path.

Laughing, Cassia ran after her mother. Roxy saw what was going on and sprinted to the front door. Of course Roxy won but Mrs Stephen and Cassia were joint second. The three walked into the house and sat down on the sofa. 

"I hear getting into trouble is a normal thing to happen to your friends on breaks" Her mother said, still breathing heavily. 

"Mhm" Cassia hummed. 

Mrs Stephen got up off the sofa and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Cassia looked around the room, wondering how much better it will be without her father here. The thought of her father made her think about the adventure they had just had. Made her think how happy she was to be home.

'No place I'd rather be than home' Cassia thought, slumping back on the sofa and holding onto her heart necklace.

The End         

The Superior Six: The Famous Five fan fictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu