The Barnards

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The three children, the Barnards, said their hellos to Aunt Fanny and were welcomed into the house. The made their way into the dining room as the housekeeper, Joanna, entered the dinning room as well to place more food on the table. The children sat down and were in awe by the food placed before them. The three began to load their plates, obviously hungry. Julian, the oldest, was sat opposite to George. He had light brunette hair, as well as his brother Dick, and was wearing a grey sleeveless jumper with a white shirt that had short sleeves. He, as usual, was wearing his watch on his left wrist and so was Dick. Dick was wearing a blue sleeveless jumper with a white shirt that, the same as Julian, had short sleeves. On his bottom half, he was wearing light green shorts and so was Julian. Anne was the youngest of the Barnards and the cousins. She also had light brunette hair but, unlike her brothers, it went down to her shoulders. She was wearing a light blue dress with a matching bow in her hair. When thought they had had enough on their plates, they began to eat.    

After around half an hour of talking and eating, they laid back in their chairs, full of food. When sure the five wouldn't throw up when they stood up, they walk to George's room with Timmy and Roxy following behind. George and Julian sat on her bed while Cassia, Dick and Anne sat on the floor. Anne sat next to Julian, on Cassia's right, whilst Dick sat next to George, on Cassia's left. 

"You know the camping trip we are going on?" George says. 

"Yes?" Julian replied, confused on why she was bringing this up as, knowing Julian, they would have planned and talked about it lots. 

"How about we bring Cassia on it?" George suggested, gesturing her hand over to the chestnut brown haired on the floor.

"Oh please Ju!" Anne cried, wrapping her arms around Cassia's right arm. 

"Yeah, please let Cassia come!" Dick pleaded.

"Alright!" Julian sighed, "Cassia can come"

"Yay!" Anne latched on to Cassia upper body, pulling her into a hug.

After Anne had let go, Dick hugged her. The side of her left face was pressed onto his chest and his sent was very clear. He smelt sweet like an apple or raspberry with a hint of vanilla. The hug probably lasted for about four seconds but to Cassia, it wasn't long enough. They pulled apart from each other awkwardly, not daring to look at each other. Cassia looked up at George expecting her to be angry but George winked at her. Cassia was to surprise to notice Dick blushing. Dick looked up at his brother and sister to see their smug expressions. Anne gave him a thumbs up as Julian snickered a little. 

"Well Cassia, we are leaving on Sunday so be ready for then" Julian said, with a little smirk on his face, "Well we better go and bring our bags up to our rooms". The Barnards left the room, leaving Cassia and George alone. 

"Well..." George said smugly, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh shut up" Cassia replied, blushing with embarrassment.

"Come on Cassia! I have known for a long time now, no need to be embarrassed" George laughed.

"Oh..." Cassia looked down at the floor, "How obvious was I?"

"Not much but I catch onto things quick" George said. It was true. She caught onto things incredible quick.

"So that is why you kept asking!" Cassia gasped.

"Yeah. Come lets go to your house and pack some stuff for the trip" George laughed, "Timmy! Roxy! Lets go"

When the two girls didn't hear any excited bark or even the slightest scratch of claw on the floorboards, they knew something was wrong. The two whipped their heads round to find no dogs at all... 

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