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The kitchen was a more in fashion style. The cupboards were all white and pots, containing food, placed everywhere. There was a window just in front of the sink that showed and good view of the garden. A vase with white roses was placed on the windowsill. George could smell the strong sent and breathed in deeper. The girl decided to move onto the next room as there were a few glasses in the room and she didn't want to knock them over, resulting in them being smashed. 

She entered the conservatory but moved swiftly into the master bedroom, the room Mrs and Mr Stephen shared, as she didn't have time to admire the view and wanted to know if Mrs Stephen was okay with all that was going on. 

The room had a strong smell of perfume that hit George like lightning. George held onto her nose, plugging out the smell, as she made her way across the room. With her other hand, she stroked the fluffy blanket that laid across the bed. Without a thought, she sat down on the bed. This gave her more access to view the room. The room had a wallpaper that was quite fascinating to George. Different trees had been painted on a cream wallpaper with a small circular mirror above the fireplace. The room was furnished with a cyan coloured sofa, a small glass coffee table placed just in front, and a tall lamp in one corner of the room. George stood up and straightened out the blanket. It looked like she had never been there. Then, she strolled into Cassia's room. 

Cassia's room was so aesthetically pleasing, the girls at school were jealous of her. Although the room wasn't George's cup of tea, she still liked coming up into Cassia's room. There was a single bed with a magenta coloured blanket covering the bed and placed on top, Cassia's white pillow with a small dark green pillow. Cassia had a set of draws with her clothes in and on top of that was a small holder with about fifteen books in it. A rainbow coloured lamp with a butterfly was placed next to the holder and a bedside cabinet beside the set of draws. On that, was a single candle and five books, all being read by Cassia when the girl had the chance. George walked over to the mirror placed opposite the bed and pulled at the door handle. 

George was met with a massive library, all shelves filled with books and some overflowing so they had to be put on the floor. The girl walked around the library, occasionally brushing her fingers over the books. Cassia's room was the only room that lead to the library, making it her's. A creak was heard above George's head but she didn't take any notice as Cassia told her it was normal. But for this occasion, was it really? George made her way back to Cassia's bedroom and shut the mirror door behind her. George picked up Cassia's sleeping bag and stuffed all the clothing she may need into it. She walked back into the conservatory and was about to move on when she vaguely remembered the way Cassia showed her back to her house. Placing her hand on the white door handle, she pushed down and the door opened. George took in a deep breath, not getting enough of the fresh smell of flowers Mrs Stephen's had placed in the garden. 

There was a little was a little shed in the corner of the garden. Surrounded by sunflowers, trees and bushes. On the other side of the shed, opposite, there was an old well that wasn't in use but Cassia still used it to make wishes. George approached the well and opened the pot that sat on the side. She took a pinch of the glitter inside and closed her eyes. She mumbled her wish and blew the glitter off her hand. The glitter gracefully and slowly fell into the well. The girl placed the pot back onto the bowl full of glitter and walked over to the huge willow tree behind it. She moved a few of the branches out of her way and she saw a little river. The running water sound had become more distinct then it was back in at the well. George got down on her knees and brushed her hand gently in the water. The cold feeling calmed George from all that was happening with Cassia's father. She got up and brushed of her knees, getting any dirt of her skin. Eventually, she made her way over to the little bridge that was placed in the middle of the river. George stepped onto each stone, making sure she didn't fall into the water. She made it to the end and walked up four steps and was greeted with Yellow Iris flowers. The girl looked ahead and saw a long stone path. She walked down it, admiring the flowers around the path. Soon, she got to the end and to her left was a little pond. A few orange fishes were in it, just like Cassia said there were. George slowly looked away from the pond and her eyes lay upon a swing attached to a branch of a tree. George had been on the swing a few times before, always not being able to keep her eyes of the lake in front. 

All of a sudden, she was snapped out of her thoughts by a snap of a twig. She looked around, slightly shaken up and decide to go and bring Cassia her stuff for tomorrow. George walked up to the brown wooden gate, separating Cassia's garden to the field behind. She opened it and walked up the slight out of shape steps. When at the top, George saw a figure in black out of the corner of her eye...                   

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