Caught in action

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Night came extremely slow for everyone. Anne was the only one that was happy about this because she doesn't like adventures. On the other hand, George was moaning and groaning at how long it was taking to fall dark. 

"Finally!" George exclaimed as the sun began to set. 

The six sat down and ate their supper. The simple yet nourishing meal consisted of cool macaroni cheese and s'mores that had stuck either to each other or the container. While eating the s'mores, the sun had gone behind so the six decided to go to sleep. George had protested but when Julian told her that it was eight o'clock, she remembered that in summer time the sun set later.

While everyone else laid down waiting for the mysterious black figure to come back, Anne had the covers pulled over her head. She wished that she would fall into a deep sleep and couldn't be woken until all of this was over. This wasn't possible though because Timmy wasn't getting any attention from George or Cassia so he trotted over to Anne, hoping for the slightest bit of attention. Timmy being the most irresistible dog to ever live, Anne gave in and began to pet him. This helped Anne with the stress of all that was happening right now. 

George was impatiently tapping her fingers on her sleeping bag. 'Come on, come on' George thought, closing her eyes and counting to ten like her Mother had suggested to do when she was angry.  In the past, Aunt Fanny had suggested this to Uncle Quentin, her husband, but  that just made him more angry. George found it quite useful at times but sometimes she didn't bother suppressing her anger. 

Cassia was pinching her arm, trying to keep herself awake. After the long day and restless night, she really wanted to sleep. Her eyelids drooped and she became even more drowsy. George noticed her getting sleeping and nudged the girl. 

"I would suggest going outside and pouring cold water on your face but with that weird person, I don't think that would be wise" George said, returning her gaze back to the ceiling of the tent. 

Cassia nodded, rubbing her eyes. She grasped the necklace that hung around her neck. Cassia always did this when she was nervous. The butterflies in her stomach were rapidly fluttering. 'What if something happened to one of us? What would we do?' Awful images entered Cassia's mind. George caught sight of this scene and shook Cassia, not really knowing what to do. Cassia abruptly sat up, putting her hand over her mouth before she could gasp. 

Anne averted her attention from Timmy because of the sudden movement made by Cassia, Timmy doing the same. Cassia didn't dare to look at the others, afraid of their reactions. George and Anne kept making eye contact but not saying anything to each other. They all stayed put in the awkward silence. George scratched the back of her neck and Anne fiddled with her thumbs. Cassia still hadn't moved from her position of sitting and clutching her necklace. The feeling of the necklace in her hand made her feel something. Like the necklace was connected to this whole mystery. 

Promptly after, rustles of footsteps on grass came from the right of their tent. Anne's eyes widened, using all of her willpower not to move. Slowly, George reached for her torch. She unzipped the sleeping bag, making no noise what so ever. She crawled over to the entrance, about to open the tent when a voice was heard from the left side of the tent.

"Looks like the dog isn't as vicious as you make out" The voice said. 

George put her hand up towards Timmy, telling him know not to make any sound. 

"It is vicious I swear" Another voice whispered, quiet cautious of their surroundings, "It's probably still asleep. How are we suppose to get the necklace off of that girl without anyone waking up?" 

"You said that even the dog didn't catch you yesterday so, we take the girl and run" The first voice said, getting annoyed. 

Anne was now on the verge of tears. She was wishing that they had just made a mistake and was beginning to believe that until she saw Cassia holding a necklace in her hand. The zip to the tent started moving up and Timmy was getting ready to pounce. When the zip was about halfway up, George turned on the torch and Timmy pounced. George ran out of the tent while Anne reached over to Cassia who was frozen in her spot. The first voice sounded exactly like her father. 


The Superior Six: The Famous Five fan fictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant