All Nightmare Long

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I sit up and find myself in my room, but something is off about everything. I get out of bed and make my way out my room. I walk to the room that my dad, Party, Jet and Ghoul share. They're not there.

I walk down the dark hallway slowly. I stand in the doorway of the main part of the diner. Still, no one in sight.

"Anna" I hear a chilling unrecognizable voice call. Me, being the stupid idiot I am, I follow the voice. It leads me out side.

I look around but there's no one out here. I'm about to go back inside, but then I hear another voice. "Anna!" It screamed. I immediately recognized that voice. It was my dad.

"Dad!" I called and ran around the outside of the diner.

"Anna!" Another voice called. That one I recognized as Party. Then Ghoul and Jet's voices were echoing around along with dad's and Party's.

I'm full on sprinting trying to find them, but I don't see anything.

"Dad! Party! Ghoul! Jet!" I desperately call. Nothing.

I don't know what to do anymore. I stop running and run my hands through my hair taking a deep breath. I turn around and freeze immediately.

In front of me the diner is on fire and there is broken glass everywhere. I look to my right and I see body bags. BL/ind body bags. Four of them.

I hesitantly walk over to one of them and unzip it. I gasp and back away from it. It was Fun Ghoul. I don't know if this is real or not, but I can feel the tears starting to build up.

I go to the next one and unzip it. It was Jet Star.

I was afraid to open the next two, knowing who are inside of them.

I walk to the one next to Jet and slowly unzip it. It was Party Poison. At this point I'm in full on hysterics and close to having a panic attack.

I walk to the final one and unzip it. Although, it wasn't who I thought it would be. It was my mom.

"This is all your fault" a voice from behind me said. I jump up and face whoever was here. It was my dad.

"What? I didn't do anything" I cried.

"Of course you didn't. You're just a pathetic girl who just puts others in danger." He said viciously.

I step back and end up tripping, landing on the broken glass and cutting my palm. I hissed in pain.

I heard my dad laugh. "You're so weak. You don't deserve to be here after what you did to your mom."

"I didn't do anything to her!" I screamed.

"Yes you did" he yelled back stepping closer "You weren't strong enough to fight! You couldn't protect yourself!"

I stop and think about what he said. It's true. I hid instead of helping her. If I would have helped, then maybe, just maybe, she would be here today.

"You're worthless and a waste of space." I heard him say.

"I should have done this a long time ago." He said pulling out his gun and pointing it at me.

I wake up screaming with tears streaming down my face. I look around and I'm back in my room. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

Then I hear footsteps running to my room and my dad and the other three barge in with their guns. They look around and calm down when they see that I'm not in any real danger.

"Thrill, are you okay?" Party asked.

I look down so they won't see my face. "Yeah, I'm fine" No I'm not "Just go back to bed."

"Are you sure?" Ghoul asked.

I nod. "Yeah"

I hear them leave, but I know that someone is still there. He walked over and sat on my bed, pulling me to him.

"You can say whatever you want, but I know you're not okay" my dad said.

I just bury my face in his chest and hug him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head and held on to him tighter.

I felt a slight sting on my palm and I pull away. I look and see a cut, identical to the cut in my dreams.

"Thrill, what did you do?" My dad asked taking my hand in his.

"I don't know" I whisper.

"I'll be right back" he said and stood up walking out of the room.

He came back with a band-aid. He sat back on my bed and put it on my hand. "There." He said.

I give him a small smile. "You can go back to bed now"

"Like I'm going to do that" he said and lied down in my bed. I smiled at him and lied down next to him.

"Do you remember when you would have nightmares and you could crawl into bed with me and your mom?" he asked.

"Yeah. That was ages ago" I said.

"I remember you would always want one of us to sing to you, to help you fall back to sleep." he said looking down at me. "And you never cared what song it was." I let out a small chuckle and nodded.

Then he cleared his throat and began singing; (Song on the side)

"This is the last night you'll spend alone.
Look me in the eyes so I know you know.
I'm everywhere you want me to be.
The last night you'll spend alone.
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let you go.
I'm everything you need me to be"

I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep. I felt him wrap his arms around me and kiss me forehead.

"I'm never going to leave you, I promise." he whispered. "Goodnight my sunshine."

Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn

Metallica - All Nightmare Long

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