Hell Above

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I look up and I see Korse standing above me with an evil smile "Now, what do we have here?"

I tried to run away, but he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back. I look around and I see that Fun Ghoul is the closest one to me.

"Ghoul!" I scream. He turns and sees me struggling against Korse. "Thrill!"

That gets everyone's attention. "Thrill!" I hear everyone call out. I'm still trying to get away, but it's no use.

Then more dracs come out of nowhere and they go towards the others. There's no way they're going to get to me.

"Well isn't this interesting. They're all trying to get to you" Korse said. "You're just a girl. Why would they care about you?" I didn't answer, I spit in his face. I must have really angered him because he slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor.

He turns to a couple of dracs "Keep them busy" he motioned to everyone "I'm taking her back with me."

He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to a BL/ind van. I was hitting and kicking him, but he's just too strong. I look around and Midnight is right near the van. I was going to call out to him, but Korse covered my mouth and pushed me into van. I tried to fight my way out, but once again Korse showed how much stronger he is by hitting me with the butt of his gun.

My vision gets blurred and everything starts to slowly go black as I feel the van drive away.

Away from my family.


*Fun Ghoul's POV*

There were dracs everywhere. We managed to get rid of most of them though. I was fighting against two of them when I heard my name being called.

I ghost the dracs and look to see who called me. I turn around and I see Thrill stuggling to get away from Korse, who has a tight grip on her arm.

"Thrill!" I call out to her. I guess I got everyone else's attention because I heard the other four calling for her.

We all try to get to her, but more dracs came after us. We try to get rid of them so that we could get to Thrill.

There are way too many now. I don't even know where they came from. I ghost them one by one and made my way to Party, Kobra, Jet and Midnight. We ghost the last of the dracs and look around.

Thrill and Korse are no where to be seen.

"Thrill?" Kobra called out. The only thing around us was the Trams AM and the bodies of the dracs we ghosted.

Kobra kept calling for her though. There was something in his voice each time he called out for her. Desperation. Heart-break. Fear. Disbelief.

The more he called out for her, the more everything sunk in. Thrill is gone. Korse took her, and there's nothing we can do right now. I stand there with Party, Jet and Midnight, as we watch Kobra slowly fall apart in front of us.


*Thrill-Kill's POV*

I woke up tied to a chair in a plain white room. I tried to get out of the rope, but that just causes it to dig into my skin.

I look around and see that there is literally nothing in the room. Just me.

I could be thinking about what they're going to do to me, or if I'll be dead in the next few hours, but I'm not. I'm thinking about everyone else.

What happened to my dad? To Party Poison? To Jet Star? To Fun Ghoul? To Midnight Madness? Are they okay?

My thoughts were cut short when Korse and two dracs entered the room. "Good morning Sweetheart. How'd you like the trip?" I just glared at him.

So Long Not Goodnight [Mikey Way/ Kobra Kid] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now