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Lisa's POV

Did I hear her right? She just called me "Pokpak", right? How strange. My parents only know that nickname of mine. I never told it to any of my friends and yet, how does she know it? We only met today and she knows my nickname.

I know for sure that I find her familiar: her scent, her face, her voice, her whole presence even. My body screams that it knows her. I frowned. But I only met her today so how come it feels like I've known her forever?

Rosie looks shocked at what she said so she lowered her head to avoid my gaze but my hand is still on her face, still wiping her tears that has fallen. She's still crying and I don't know what to do. I'm left here, confused. Puzzled even.

How does she know?

Why do I feel like she knows me since forever, too?

Why do I feel like we've met before but I'm pretty sure that she and I haven't met in this lifetime.


How strange. Everything about her, about us is strange.

One thing is for sure: she's not a stranger and my body knows that.

"Yah! Lisa, you made her cry on the first day you met her?" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Momo's loud voice.

Confusion on my face was quickly replaced with panic. I forgot that they're here and I also forgot that Rosie is still crying.

My face went back and forth to Rosie and Momo. I pulled my hand away from Rosie's face and raised both of my hands like a criminal that has been caught by the police. "I swear it's not what it looks like."

Mina who looked bored earlier, quickly stood up, worried with her friend. She approached Rosie, who by the way, still has her head down. Please raise your head, at least help me out here.

"Rosie, what's wrong? Did she scare you?" I frowned at what Mina said. Do I look like someone who can be in a horror movie? I mean, come on, I know I'm attractive so this face is not scary at all. Why do I feel like Mina sees me as a monster who's ready to devour her friend any moment.

Rosie shook her head but her head is still down. I'm hoping silently that she stopped crying so she can help me out here. Oh, and of course, I'm worried that she cried out of nowhere while saying my nickname which is weird, by the way.

Suddenly, I felt Momo's hand on my nape and that's when I realized she slapped it. Ouch? When did she get here? Out of all the body parts, why did she slap my nape? Do I look like a fucking titan? Does it look like we're in Attack on Titan?

"What did you do?!"

"I swear to Jesus, even Buddha that I did not do anything. It's just a misunderstanding!"

Momo was about to argue back but she stopped when Sana came, holding a tray with their orders. "What is going on? I only left for 10 minutes! Stop embarrassing me." She then signaled us, using her head, to look behind her and that's when we saw that almost all of the people inside the café are looking at us.

Well... that's embarrassing.

Rosie, who finally raised her head, looked at Mina with a smile plastered on her face. I can't tell if it's fake or a genuine one but I can tell that she has a beautiful smile. Rosie Choi has a long wavy pink hair, a pointed nose, soft eyes and angel-like lips. She kinda reminds me of Princess Bubblegum with her hair color, only that her hair color is lighter than PB's. She's beautiful and I won't deny it. I know how to appreciate someone's beauty.

"I'm fine, Mina. Something just caught in my eye and Lisa helped me remove it." Mina frowned. It's obvious that she didn't buy Rosie's excuse but she didn't push it so she just shrugged it off and nodded.

Momo, on the other hand, bought Rosie's excuse. Look at this foolish girl. If Momo had a boyfriend, she will be easily manipulated.

Rosie had her head down anyway so they didn't know if she really cried but I didn't get why she didn't tell the truth but I'll just go along with it. Whatever floats her boat.

"Is that so?" Then Momo faced me. "Sorry for slapping your nape. You deserved it though." Then she stuck her tongue out like a little kid.

"What do you mean I deserved it? You're so cruel. Humans disgust me." Then I started acting all disgusted by Momo's existence and she got annoyed. I even faked a puke which earned me a laugh from Sana and Mina.

"You're a human, too, idiot." Sana started giving Rosie and Mina their orders while Momo and I started arguing.

"Wanna hear a secret? Before I transferred in your university, I was in Hogwarts which makes me a witch."

Then I heard her chuckle. Rosie chuckled and it felt like my world stopped for a moment. Okay, I know it sounds cheesy but I don't know why my body is acting like this. She still has her eyes close and she's hiding her mouth using her hand that was formed into a fist. She's still chuckling and it sounds so beautiful. I feel like I heard it before. Strange. Her chuckle sounds so familiar, like I heard it a thousand times before.

Momo argued back but I was too focused on looking at Rosie that I didn't even understand what Momo has said. Everything is a blur and the only thing I can see is her figure... until she opened her eyes. Her gaze met mine so I quickly avoided eye contact, embarrassed that she caught me staring.

"Earth to Lisa. Hello? Did you finally lose your mind?"

I stared at Momo and my flushed face was quickly replaced with an annoyed one. "What are you still doing here? Be gone, Bellatrix!" Then I heard her chuckle again. Not this again, it's making me weak in my knees.

Stop chuckling. You're making my head float in the sky. My mind is up in the clouds and I'm scared that I might say something stupid because of it.

Momo returned to her seat with an annoyed face and I just smirked at her. Looks like I won the battle again, boys!

⌁☍ ⌁☍ ⌁☍

"Thank you for today. See you when I see you." Momo said to the girls while I just waved goodbye. Rosie and I didn't talk after that incident and now, they're going home and their home is in the opposite way to ours.

Rosie kept glancing at me though and I did the same. We even caught each other staring but that didn't stop us from still stealing a glance. How odd. I feel weird whenever I'm around her but I still want to hang out with her. Strange. How strange it is.

Rosie gave me a small smile before turning her back at me and walking away. I wonder why that small gesture made me sad. Why am I even sad in the first place? She just smiled at me so I should be happy but I'm not. It's like I'm bothered that she's walking away from me.

Like any moment, she'll be gone. Strange. Why do I feel like this? It's not like I won't see her again. We're in the same university for Pete's sake.

Oh, wait. I forgot to ask her what happened earlier. Guess I'll ask her about the Pokpak incident some other time but for now... I wanna go home and rest. It was a long day after all and I am tired. I'll try to figure out why I'm sad that she's walking away some other time.

Momo snapped her fingers which made me face her with a frown on my face. Oh no, what now? I swear to God, she will be the death of me. Being her friend is stressing me out. If the word "spontaneous" is a person then that word will be Momo. "Oh, right. Lisa, Sana wants me to give this to you."

A paper. Even though confused, I took it and opened it.

"Heyya, here's Rosie's number: +82-8-XXXX-XXXX. Oh and this is Rosie's Instagram: rs.choi. Thank me when you see me ;)"

Guess I'll ask her about the Pokpak incident later.

⌁☍  ⌁☍ ⌁☍

Okay, first of all, I am so sorry that it took me a month to update my story. Believe me when I say that second sem almost killed me. And now that school is finished, always expect an update ;)

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