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"We should probably get going. We don't wanna be late for our class." Mina said as she started to fix her things.

Sana and I both rolled our eyes. "What do you mean we? You're always late. Aren't you immune already?" Sana said with a sarcastic tone on her voice which made me chuckle.

I opened my mouth to support Sana's statement. "She's not wrong, you know." Mina didn't even try to defend herself and just pouted.

I'm currently in my second year of BS Pharmacy together with my friends, Sana and Mina. I want to be a doctor and since there are so many premed courses that are great, I really had a hard time choosing. But somehow I ended up in Pharmacy... like a calling. Maybe I drank a lot of medicines in my past life.

I already knew Sana and Mina before college because the three of us went to the same high school but we were in different classes and not at all close. When college started, that's when I became close to them and became their friend.

I'm an introvert so basically they are my only friends. I don't know why I have a hard time talking to people. It just makes me uncomfortable and I'm not used to it. To start a convo, I mean and carrying it. I mean it's exhausting. Thank God Sana adopted me, the only extrovert friend I trust. Mina is more of an ambivert.

The café that we are in is just close to our university, it's just walking distance to be exact. Everything is just walking distance: my apartment, the 24 hour store, even McDo is near. I live in a province and everything here is great. I hate cities. Lots of people and that's not my thing so I ended up in a university in a province far away from my parents who are overprotective by the way.

"If you have a superpower, what would it be?" Here we go again with Sana's random question.

"Ooh, easy! Teleportation so I won't be late all the time." Mina said with a smile on her face, almost like she's proud of her answer.

We're currently walking towards the university and almost all of the people who attend the same university as us started staring at us or at Sana and Mina.

Sana is quite famous, I mean why wouldn't she be? She's everything that you want. A straight-A student, beautiful, talented, friendly, she's just perfect.

And even though Mina is always late, she still catches people's attention whether in a good or bad way.

Me? I'm no one. Just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. I'm just Rosie Choi. A very ordinary girl who is losing her mind trying to find this faceless girl in her dreams.


"What?" I snapped at Sana.

She frowned. "Stop spacing out and answer my question. Your mind floats all the time, doesn't it want to land?"

"But I don't like super heroes that much so I don't want any super power."

Sana rolled her eyes at me while Mina just booed. "How can you not like superheroes? I mean, there's Spider-man! Iron-man, Captain America?" Mina asked with a I'm-not-believing-this-crap tone.

"I just don't. It's not my thing." I shrugged then Mina and Sana scoffed, repeating what I just said.

Sana sighed. "Just think of something! Anything. Anything is fine."

I frowned and started thinking. Sana and Mina waited, anticipating. They keep looking at me with stars in their eyes and that gave me a lot of pressure. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in. Okay, I need my answer to be great.

I don't want teleportation because that would be boring. I mean, for example you wanna travel and boom teleport. Where is the fun in that? Sometimes it's not the destination that matters but the experience you gain while traveling. So no.

I don't wanna read minds because that would feel like I'm invading someone's privacy. I don't wanna fly too because I'm scared of heights. I don't need super strength because I'm clumsy, I might break everything while walking.

Then it hit me.

I stared back at my friends and both of them started smiling, like they are proud to see their dog finally doing something. I feel like a pet sometimes. Sana and Mina are my owners. They keep me going.

"I don't know if this is a super power but..."

"But?" Both of them asked.

"I wanna see the red strings."

Mina started thinking for a second, like the information is loading. But Sana replied quickly, "You mean the red strings of fate?" I nodded.


"Is it to see if we're gonna be single forever?" Mina asked and she earned a slap in the shoulder from Sana.

"Don't say that. I wanna find my soulmate." Sana pouted.

Oh I forgot to tell you, guys. Even though both of them are famous in the campus, both of them have been single since birth.

One of them friendzones everyone without even realizing it and the other one is so dense that she can't even read the room. I won't tell which one is which.

"If you even have a soulmate. I bet when God created you, he put a will grow old alone tag on your back then threw you in the Earth." As Mina said that they started bickering while we entered the classroom.

Some people greeted Mina and Sana and I just continued on walking, trying to find a perfect spot. In other words a spot near the window.

As I found the perfect spot, Sana spoke, "Did you know that there's a transferee from Thailand? She just got here."

Sana set beside me and I frowned. Thailand? Why does... Why... Why do I find that country familiar?

"What course is she?" Mina joined in the conversation, curiosity can be seen in her eyes.

"Nursing. I bet she's really smart. I mean our university does not accept transferees just like that." It's already hard getting in this university in the first place, what more to be a transferee?

"Where did you even get this information?" Mina asked, probably shocked that Sana knows everything.

"Momo. She texted me last night." Momo Hirai, another Japanese girl and a former classmate of Mina and Sana. Momo is studying Nursing and I heard that she is good at dancing. I wanna see her dance but we're in college now and we are busy all the time. Like really.

"What's her name?" I blurted out, joining the conversation. My curiosity is killing me. And you know what they say about cats and curiosity. I'm just hoping that it won't kill me.

Sana smirked, a proud smirk. "Wow, look at you. Finally joining the conversation without looking forced for once."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Shut up."

"About your question. I honestly don't know. Momo never mentioned her name. Should I ask her?" Sana asked, grabbing her phone from the table waiting for my go signal.

Yes, please ask.

"Ah, no. That's okay. I'll probably bump into her sooner or later." Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Why am I seriously like this? I sometimes have a hard time speaking my mind and I hate it.

I hate it so much.

How am I gonna find her this way?

But the feeling like she's everywhere... could it be that she's the transferee? I mean, that explains it. I didn't have this feeling last year and she's from Thailand. A country that seems familiar but I haven't even been there so how...

I feel like I finally found her but I'm not sure unless I see her.

I need to see the transferee and confirm if she's the girl in my dreams.

I hope she is.

Because I've been waiting for a damn long time. It's about time to show up.

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