Dating Them: Gon Freecss

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Gon will always want to go on adventures with you. Whether going for a simple walk to the park or literally breaking into a government building, he loves to travel with you beside him.

He always tries to feed you plants, and even though you know he wouldn't try to poison you, you still think it's suspicious. He'll eat it first and prove to you that it's not poisonous.

He tells Aunt Mito all about you. You'll often catch him writing a letter home, and you'll see that half of it is about you. He also loves to talk about you meeting her, which is something he really looks forward to doing.

Gon loves to train with you. He'll help you come up with ideas for nen abilities, spar against you, lift weights with you, anything really. He always watches you when you're training to make sure you don't overwork yourself.

He puts stickers on your nose.

Him, Killua, and you will hang out and play board games. Killua always accuses you of cheating, so Gon complains and says, "Y/N would never cheat!" He gets overly defensive.

Goes to the lake with you and catches frogs. He names his Fred and yours is Gilbert. They're married and have a worm child.

Sometimes he goes to Heaven's Arena and makes you watch him in the audience because it makes him feel powerful, and he loves to let you know how strong he is.

He cannot do math if his life depended on it. Because of this, you had to literally stay up all night teaching him how to do math. He still can't do his 9 tables.

He is unusually good at telling the time. One look at the sky and somehow he knows the exact hour and minute. If the two of you are on a walk, he'll look up and check the time. If it's getting too late, he makes you go home and rest.

Gon always shares his snacks and food with you. He especially likes to share pocky with you and uses it as an excuse to play the pocky game.

He loves to lay and watch the sunset with you. Almost every night, he'll drag you out and watch the sun fall next to you while pointing out constellations.

Any time the two of you encounter an animal, he tells you everything he knows about it. He smiles the entire time, telling you about its scientific name, its  favorite foods, etc.

Random kisses and hugs when he's bored. He gets bored a lot.

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