New Character: Shaiapouf

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Shaiapouf is the next character to be added to this book! I love this little butterfly man, so I'm glad you all decided he should be added 😌 Here's his catchup! NSFW parts will be at the end, and everything beforehand is genderneutral with no warnings. Enjoy!

Him Confessing:
-After pacing back and forth through the hallways of the palace, Pouf finally managed to convince himself to confess his feelings.
-He constantly degraded himself for stooping to a level as low as falling for a human. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't shake his feelings.
-Although it took him months to admit how he felt, you knew within the first month. Pouf was always overly careful and protective of you, much more than how he treated other humans.
-He finally confessed to you when he saw you smile. Your smile is one of the few things that drives him insane. You smiled as he played the violin for you, and he stopped immediately with a heavy sigh.
-"I cannot take this any longer. Y/N, I long to be the one you call 'love'. Please, accept my defeat to this feeling called desire. I beg of you."
-If you say no, he enters a crying, screaming fit and plays his violin all night. If you say yes, he does the same thing but in less agony.

You Confessing:
-Pouf is absolutely oblivious. Poor baby doesn't have a single clue about human emotion.
-It would be hard to get Pouf alone since he's always up the king's ass, but once you do find him alone he's probably playing his violin. He ignores you until he finishes his song, then yells at you for "ruining the moment of true passion".
-As stated previously, he doesn't understand human emotion, so you'll have to be very forward and upfront with your words if you want him to know that you're confessing. Otherwise, all he sees is a human blabbering about god knows what.
-If he manages to understand your confession, he'll have another crying/screaming fit for a solid 12 hours before actually accepting it.

First Kiss:
-Kissing? What's kissing?
-This man has no fucking clue about anything.
-After a long discussion about what couples do, he pretends to understand but he barely did.
-You give up at trying to explain and give him a quick kiss. Screaming/crying fit #7 occurs.

First Date:
-Well, there's really nowhere to go, so he brings you outside to watch the stars.
-He gets bored pretty quickly, but he stays because you're happy.
-"Why do humans enjoy this?"
-He decides to try something new.
-"You're more beautiful than the stars."
-You ask him where he learned to compliment, and he has screaming/crying fit #8 because he thinks you're insulting him. Lovely date, right?

Cuddles and Hugs:
-After lots of reading and research, Pouf has learned that humans desire physical touch.
-The two of you are sitting on a bench outside, sharing a book. He takes this as an opportunity to wrap his arm around your shoulder.
-He watches closely for your reaction. You smile and lean closer, nearly causing screaming/crying fit #9, but he holds himself together to enjoy the moment.
-After this, he becomes much more comfortable with touching you and often gives you hugs.

Sleeping Together:
-Judges you for needing sleep, but he'd never tell you because he knows you'd yell at him.
-He decides to match his sleep schedule with yours so he can watch you sleep. He doesn't find it creepy, he does it to make sure you're not dead. How nice.
-If he ends up falling asleep, you'll wake up to find his wings in your face and his limbs sprawled out across the bed. If you complain and wake him up, screaming/crying fit #10 occurs.

Things He Buys You:
-He doesn't understand the act of giving gifts, but he read about it and thought he'd try it.
-Eventually, he has to decide between a severed head and a necklace. Thank god he chose the necklace.
-Gets down on one knee and holds it in his hands.
-You yell at him for being dramatic.
-Screaming/crying fit #11.

When He Wants Attention:
-He wants your love 24/7.
-As much as he wants to jump on you and beg for your attention, he doesn't want to get yelled at so he holds back.
-He's basically a chihuahua.

When You Want Attention:
-He's honored to be the one you call his lover, and he must keep that honor by fulfilling your needs.
-If you want his attention, you shall receive.
-He makes notes of the times and dates you ask for his attention, making a chart in hopes of determining a schedule of your emotions. He's trying too hard.

Eating Food Together:
-He questions the foods that humans eat, but he doesn't want to see you starve so he feeds you.
-When you explain to him that humans don't eat severed cow heads, he calls you weird.
-Makes note of the foods you like, so he can buy them for you later.

His Favorite Nicknames:
-He's fine with whatever you desire to call him. "Love?" Cool. "Shitface?" Okay.
-Calls you sire/madam, lord/lordess, and anything royal. He'll have another screaming/crying fit if you call his nicknames weird.

Your Birthday:
-Birthdays are not of importance to him, but if you want to celebrate, he'll deal with it.
- You have to explain what humans do on birthdays, because like always, he's clueless.
- He'll attempt to get you a gift. He knows a lot about you and he knows the perfect gift to get you, but he's not exactly the most friendly looking customer in a store.
-Once he finally gets you your gift, he gives it to you and says, "Happy birthday, my love."

-Pouf is a bit complicated. He doesn't mind seeing you around your friends, but he's secretly judging from afar.
-If you start spending a little too much time away from him, he starts to get jealous and tries his best to keep you by his side. He does this by proposing dates or asking for your attention.
-If someone dares to try and hit on you, they're in for a surprise. Nobody will hit on you again after seeing an angry butterfly-human hybrid spit on them.

Wearing a Mask:
-Masks? Humans are so weak!
-He refuses to wear a mask. He's already stooped low enough to love a human, and he's not going any further.
-However, he will make sure you wear yours. His darling must be safe and healthy.

You Turn Into a Neko:
-Darling? Did Pitou do this to you?
-He's very confused. "Does this happen to humans often? No? Interesting..."
-Once you're settled down, he'll admire your new cat-like features. He's a little unsure about it, because it reminds him of Pitou.

He Turns Into a Neko:
-Oh my. Pitou, did you do this?
-Will have a screaming/crying fit if you laugh at his suffering.
-"I am a strong, powerful creature... not a cute cat!"

Warning: Below this line is NSFW content! Look away if needed!


Wet Dreams:
-He's wiggling around, tossing and turning, unable to keep still.
-He rubs his thighs together.
-He wakes up because of how intense his emotion is.
-"I'm so very sorry, my love!" he exclaims, his face blushing bright red.

When He's Horny:
-He's pretty shy and won't tell you directly.
-It's pretty obvious, though. His wings are fluttering and he's blushing.
-If you offer to help him, he declines, but if you insist, he gives in.

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