Religious Ramble

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I've done research into Deity History, learned vague things about Ancients, came up with theories and researched the hell out of them, including talking to other entities and trusting my intuition.

The biblical god does not exist as 'true' Christians see him. What they see and know as the bible has been changed and tarnished by human liars, changed to fit the agenda as years pass and translations change.

Stranyloe, the Creator Deity of this realm, created the First of the Ancients, who weren't just gods but some were even Titans, essentially a more powerful Celestial, though some were just gods and not Titans. Others were regular Celestials, and, as they grew and fell in power, more deities were created, by Stranyloe or by those he made.

Not every Deity is good, not all are known, not all are powerful, for some it may even be like 'human life' but with infinitely more possibilities.

'Heaven' is just a term that deities found matched well with their location, though it's actual name is Ê'i'te'aîne'sa Môrûnge'a literally just "Deities' Realm" when translated as directly as possible, pronounced "ee'ih-taye'eye-naye'suh more-rune-gaye-uh".

According to the bible, Jesus (or God) lifted Paradise from Hell to Heaven but it is not the case. Heaven is for deities and mortals close to then, such as those who are spouses or children of theirs, though some Deities live in Hell because they are 'demon gods', which I may give more info on later.

Some Deities never leave Ê'i'te'aîne'sa Môrûnge'a but others will. Some create a Split to experience mortal life, the Split and its memories returning when it dies. Some take on angels others do not. Some find family with mortal beings some do not. Some have chosen a domain others exist because of a domain. Every deity differs, it's almost like mortals but with near-endless lifespan and a lot of power at hand. No deity is perfect either.

Every pantheon/religion has their own area of heaven, many do not interact with the other pantheons but some do. Angels often can and will be messengers been these sections, unless a messenger fruity like mercury gets involved though, again, most Deities don't cross the lines. Some, however, don't have a pantheon, they're either a Deity of something unimportant but still oft thought of or they're an ancient, pantheon/religion long since dead. Of course, there's surely other reasons as well but I have not learned those yet.

Some Deities, though, do need to meet up for various reasons. The Sun Deities have meetings to determine who handles what which days so that they are not fighting over duties like little kids, moon deities will do the same. They may not truly move the celestial bodies like the ancient people thought they did but they still control them and what happens.

Some Deities will fight over who gets a mortal based on current religion and past lives and things like that - is it religion of their current life, their most common religion through all lives, or do they choose? Do we have to throw them back in the cycle or is this an actual afterlife and not a Between? Are they here for punishment or paradise? It's it just before their next life or for eternity?

I've had so many lives mixed in with the affairs of Deities that is not even funny and yet I still don't know everything and I doubt I ever will.

What about all of you? What are your thoughts and knowledge on religions and pantheons? No fights, just logic based on what you know and have sensed and theories you have.

I'm always happy to learn more and I'm sure all of you can learn from each other as well.

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