All From Source

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We're all from Source.

We're all connected to Source.

But some are connected more.

Some are Source True, deities beyond perception for so many.

Some are Source Near, almost Direct but with pieces of the Source True.

Deities are closest to Source Direct but only the First are Source Direct.

Many Deities use pieces of many Source Splits to create a Source Far for they cannot use just one base and are not strong enough to pull more than a little if any from Source.

Some Deities create Source Middle with a single Source Split as a base, for they are strong enough to only need one and during enough to pull the rest from Source.

A few deities create just a Source Split, so as to experience mortal life.Some mortal lives are just that, mortal, a Source Far or Middle, not a Source Split, but the soul continues on through many lives, including afterlife and whatever may lie beyond.

We all are Source, we are all equal in our own way, but that does not mean we are equivalent, for while we are similar we are still different in our own important ways.


What do you think you soul is? True, Near, Mid, Far or Split? A Split is also a mix with the others.

From what I know, I'm a Near Split and been split from my truest highest self a lot, my highest self forming a few deities from these splits but more often creating Mortal Lives. This is what I've learned after a lot of inner research though and I'll likely learn more things as time goes on.

I'm curious about your stories, your history, of you're open to share that is. 

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