A Game Called Life

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Sometimes, it's said Life is a game. Perhaps people are right.

How do we know this is Reality and not just a Game? How do we know that what we experience isn't just an illusion? And if it is, wouldn't that be quite the brain bender?

Even now, we wonder who created the universe, or universes but whether it's a game or reality, an illusion or a truth, aren't we all just in a time loop of creation and death?Perhaps we are the universe trying to understand itself.


Where does Life come from? What is Life?

Is life started when the soul forms or when the body forms? If it's when the soul forms, does that include animals? It ends at death but if it's the soul, then don't we truly only die once through all the lives we've had, only dying once our soul moves to Final Death?

Who or what created life? A deity, the Big Bang, something or someone else?Speaking of the Big Bang, it had to come from somewhere, didn't it? The universe has a life - there's the word again - doesn't it? And where, how, did this Life begin? Was the birth of this universe the death of another? If so, where did that universe begin? Was it the 'sneeze of a deity'?

Deities have Life too, so do spirits and even ghosts and the other dead have them - why else would it be called an AfterLife? But who created these deities? There's a tier of power among the deities but who created the highest of them all?

What is life and where does it begin? Are we in an eternal time loop with no beginning or end?


Answers or Questions? Truth or Endless Ramblings?

Does life have a purpose, a Fate? Is it the same for animals or just humans? If it's to understand ourselves, will that ever happen?

Will we ever find the last answer or will we endlessly question until we are no more? Is there truth and lies within the statements of humanity or do we just ramble on endlessly through our whole lives?

Will we ever truly know our own truths?

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