Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds

Start from the beginning

Following the wayward pack-mates down the hall and through the door, I paused to see what they were doing. Whispering quietly to each other, Siannon and Fenna’s mother, Maya, whispered conspiratorially while filling the fridge with food. I smiled at their thoughtfulness. I had a feeling nobody had thought to do a food shop and the fridge here was for any hungry pack wolf, not just those that lived here.

“You didn’t have to sneak in.”

Both females yelped and spun around with a jump like startled cats. I could see their hackles standing on end despite them both being in skin, each gaze holding a glow. Folding my arms, I raised on eyebrow and Siannon relaxed with a sheepish grin, pushing curly blonde hair away from her face.

“Alpha Female Cathwulf asked for the pack to stay away from the house for a few days unless there was an emergency.”

I cringed at that. While I understood why she’d asked it of the pack, it was bound to make them feel a little cut off from their Alpha pair and high ranked.

“We were just going to make sure you were well stocked up and then go,” Maya added. “I know how grumpy Quillan gets when he’s not fed on time.”

I laughed at that, and they both finally lost the tense edge to their shoulders, sharing a relieved glance. “It’s fine, I’m sure whoever is stuck with cooking tonight will be glad to just have to shove something in the oven. We appreciate it.”

Maya gave me a warm smile while Siannon continued to stare at me, scanning over my form with an analytical blue eyes. I shifted awkwardly, feeling my shoulders drop and chin lift up even while I reminded myself Siannon had no interest in challenging me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you as soon as I got back,” I offered tentatively.

A crease formed between her brows and for a second I feared a scolding but instead she rolled her eyes and flung her arms around me. Curly blonde hair blinded me but I didn’t care as I hugged her back just as tight.

“Don’t be silly. With everything going on, I can wait. I made sure to give Ben your phone so he could bring it here for you, I assume you got it. Are you okay? I don’t think we’ve ever went so long without seeing each other. You were away for bloody ages.” Pulling back, she put her hands on my shoulders and I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing as she kept talking without a chance for me to answer. “I heard that male came back with you. We have to talk about him. And the one downstairs, what’s he like? Have you met him? Oh and the alpha, gods Raeghan, how is he? We’re all so worried, we haven’t really heard anything since the pack went into lockdown.”

 A lump formed in my throat with a threat of tears at the comfort Siannon brought by just being herself. It was Maya who stepped in and gently peeled my friend away from me. “Give her a chance.”

“Dad’s okay, getting stronger every day. I’m sorry nobody’s been in touch, things are a bit wild around here.” Looking around at the oddly quiet house was proof that things weren’t right. It was a struggle to get used to the echoing silence, the pups being kept out of the way so their Alpha could rest peacefully.

Maya hummed and picked up a few bags by her feet filled with more food and drink.

“I have an idea,” Maya said, motioning for Siannon to pick up the remaining bags. “I’m having a gathering for a late lunch with a few members of the pack. Everyone’s feeling unsettled and I thought it might help those seeking a little comfort. You should come too. It looks like you’re being kept in the loop, the pack would probably love to hear from you.”

My first instinct, a learned instinct, demanded I said no and ran. I’d always felt like the black sheep in gatherings; gaining pointed stares and whispers. But the new instincts that were beginning to rise and take over, the part of me that felt hurt at the idea that the pack was hurting, wanted to say yes.

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