Chapter 42: You and Me, Forever.

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Author's Pov

Jennie turned her head away from the demonic scene that they created. The old man's screams and cries were like harmony to their ears, they sound very bad, right? But don't judge because you don't know how much they have gone through because of this man.

"Thank you, Jane," Kai whispered, she smiled at his remark and nodded giving him a tight hug. He was always there for her since she joined this Gang, her best friend.

It must be hard for him to kill his own father but he deserved it and they know it. "Thank you for always being with me, Kai." She thanked him and Taehyung just stood there, listening to their sweet conversation with jealousy.

"You were the brother that I never had." Taehyung smiled, knowing that there is nothing between them at least. Kai nodded and signaled her to speak to Taehyung, to tell him the truth.

He knew that Taehyung was the most hurt one here. He, himself feared him even though he was his big brother. "I know that you don't recognize me as one but I am glad that I am the brother of the most dangerous and handsome Mafia heir," Kai said.

Taehyung was flattered to be exact, yeah he never met Kai because the day he was born Suzy ran away with Taehyung, resulting them to never meet. Taehyung smiled and hugged him.

They both pulled out and gave each other a warm gentle smile. "Jennie always loved you," Kai whispered in his ear making sure Jennie does not hear it. Taehyung weakly smiled and nodded still not convinced.

After a few talks, everyone went to their real building, leaving just Jennie and Taehyung. She was awkward and guilt was already eating her out from inside. He grabbed her arms making her gasp and turned around to him.

She looked at his eyes, it clearly showed sadness, pure agony. She wanted to bury herself in the ground because of humiliation. Oh god, how much she loved him. She always did, it never died out.

Meanwhile, Taehyung remembers his childhood crush. It was her all along, why it needs to only her he falls in love with. Even when they were two pure souls, knowing absolutely nothing about the world, they just fell.

Deeply fell for each other.

He groaned and went close to her face, her face showed fear, funny how she was the same person who threatens to kill him and even killed that nasty old man. She was a gamer, a skilled assassin.

But he didn't like her anymore.

She was the person who made him suffer the most in just these two hours, in these two hours everything changed. He came to know about so many things that were hidden in his life till now.

His family wasn't even his but he'll still treats them as his, because even though his biological parents died, his foster ones were the ones who always stick to him and made him this strong. But he wasn't.

Everything changed except his feelings for her.

He sighed and let her arm go, "Today I was gonna propose to you." He started and Jennie broke into tears, her broken sobs only made Taehyung feel pain, no hatred. She was his love since they were kids.

"I-I am sorry, just listen to me this once, I promise I won't lie." Jennie pleaded and of course, he gave in.

"I know I hurt you the most, I was one of the biggest fake bitch you have ever met, I admit I am a liar, a slut- whatever you wanna call me. You have the rights. But I needed to do that, yes I came to your life to just use you as an excuse to kill Yang."

"I am crazy I know. You were person who made me feel special. I was a broken piece before but you hold onto me and I appreciate that.

Please Just forgive me, I know that you won't love me anymore, I don't even deserve it after what I did but at least forgive me so I can not live in guilt for hurting you, Just forgive me."

Her words were sharp but it held pain, a lot. She was broken and numb but still managed to say that. She felt like she is gonna die any time under his gaze but she consoled herself knowing that once everyone knew about her true identity no one's gonna be with her.

She would be left alone. All alone in this dark world of nothing but depression. Even Chaeyoung gonna hate her if she would know that she lied to her all this time. But everything she said was true, from her torn life to her dead self just in a bit different way.

He looked at her and asked,
"Only one question." She looked at him waiting. "Just answer this question truthfully and I will let you go." His words hurt Jennie but she knew, she deserved it.

He stared at her eyes and asked,

"Did you ever truly loved me?"
"Were last night's words were a lie too?"

Her breath hitched but she smiled. She pulled him down a bit to make him get a better view of her eyes so that he could catch her if she lies, because eyes don't lie.

"I do and I swear Taehyung, from all my heart, I have only fallen for you in my whole life and I fell for you more when I got to know that you were my lost crush, the one I cried for days. I know I am a bitch to act fake and lie to you but I hope that my reason was good enough to prove you why I did that.

At that time I can't think of anything if I should tell you the truth and let my years of training and planning go to waste or to lie to everyone and take revenge on aunt Suzy and my mother, who was my only family.

And about last night, each word that I whispered and said was from my heart and it was the truth. And even though you won't forgive me, I promise you Taehyung, you are the only one who took my breath away and still does.

I love you Taehyung, truly, deeply, and madly."

He smiled his tears falling, she loves him and he loves her, the only thing they wanted.

They pulled each other in their passionate kiss, which was filled with love and longing for each other arms. Their tears falling from each other eyes but this was it,

"There happy ending."

Hey, minies!

This is the end but don't worry I won't leave you just hanging here, I am gonna post a special chapter about their life tomorrow morning.

Anyways hope you liked the chapter~
Vote and comment about it :)

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now