Chapter 38: You and Me, Forever?

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Author's Pov

Taehyung woke up slowly, only to find his arms around Jennie's small waist. He blushed looking at her bareback. The memories of last night came flashing and he couldn't help but grin at his thoughts.

He suddenly remembered the confession they made, he was beyond happy at that time but couldn't show it because they both were exhausted, exhausted from the love they made last night.

He smiled at his greediness and texted something to his butler telling him to prepare for something he finally wanted to do. To confess to her fully, to show her how much he loves her. To propose her to be with him all his life, to marry him.

He places his phone back on the nightstand and laid down again, hugging Jennie's waist and sniffing her hair, it was like a habit for him.

Jennie also woke up from someone sniffing her hair and smiled knowing who it was. She turned around and they both smiled as they stare at each other. Giving a peck on her lips, Taehyung stood up.

"Get ready!" He said letting the blanket fall on the ground, exposing both of their bare bodies. She blushed looking at his member and he snickered. "Don't worry baby, it is all yours." This made her blush more and she smacked his chest.

"Stop, yah! Baby!" They both laughed as Jennie playfully hit him. They both stopped and Taehyung smiled knowing how much he felt happy with her, I don't deserve her. Taehyung thought but he knew he would always try to change for her.

He kissed her forehead and whispered, "Get ready, we are going somewhere." She felt surprised and smirked but kinda sad too but anyways she spoke, "But I am sore~" She whined and he picked her up in bridal style making her gasp.

"Then let's bath together!"
"No- No! Taehyung!!"
"C'mon babe it's fun!"
"No! Don't splash!"
"Ahh! Babe stop playing with shampoo, it's going in my eyes!"
"Omo- I am sorry!"

After their long and fun bath, they both came out and wore little formal clothes. Jennie was confused on why they needed to wear formal but looking at Taehyung's happy face she wore it without asking.

"You look gorgeous," Taehyung whispered as his heart beats faster looking at the beautiful girl in front of him. "You too," Jennie spoke, her voice a bit down like something was wrong but she hid it easily.

 "You too," Jennie spoke, her voice a bit down like something was wrong but she hid it easily

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(Jennie's dress)

They both headed outside, hands intertwined. Jennie had already texted about her work and she smiled looking at Taehyung's bright eyes.

They both sat in Taehyung's simple car and he quickly headed towards somewhere. The whole ride Jennie didn't felt right, she was feeling something was wrong. Taehyung noticed it and intertwined their hands and she calmed down.

The car stopped at the red light and Taehyung turned to Jennie. "What's wrong, babe?" She only shook her head but a few tears fell making the guy panic. "What happened? Babe stop crying, you are making me worry." Taehyung spoke and she did.

She hugged him and gave him a long passionate kiss. As soon as she pulled out the light turned green, and before Taehyung could speak the cars behind them horned and he started the car, huffing in annoyance.

She giggled at his behavior making him smile. They both reached their destination which was a hella expensive restaurant. "It looks expensive here." She whispered and he smiled knowing how much a considerate person she was.

Anyway, they both headed went inside the restaurant, and had their best dinner together and Jennie just felt like it was their last. She wasn't feeling good, something haunting her.

The negative thoughts were flooding her mind but she ignored knowing if Taehyung is with her then what's the problem? She smiled as Taehyung rants about his problems, she loves him so much.

"Uhmm babe, what type of family you like?" Taehyung ask making the girl choke a bit but she regained herself and asked, "Meaning?" Taehyung took some time to answer and said, "Like what type of husband? How many children?"

Jennie blushed at his question but a smile formed at his nervous face, "A guy who is lovely and take care for me, is a very loyal guy and respect me and my decision." He smiled and nodded, thinking how he would become like that.

"And about children? Well it depends on how much my hubby wants." She spoke shrugging her shoulders.

"Hubby?" He questioned, "Yeah, my nickname for my future husband." Taehyung felt flustered and said, "Then I would like three children."

They both came outside in the parking lot and the presence behind the wall which separates them didn't go unnoticed by  Jennie. She smiled knowing that it must be the guard. Jennie sat down in the seat of their car as Taehyung talked to his guard.

"Is everything ready?" The guy from the other line said a small yes to his master. Taehyung smiled looking at the girl inside the car, struggling to buckle her seat belt. How could someone be so cute? He thought.

He knew she was the one, he felt stupid because he was the same person who thought love was like a ghost and here he was completely whipped for this girl, the girl who made him fall for her just by using her kind nature, her innocence that always amused him.

Her care and love towards him. She was amazing, loving, and too fragile for him but was she really tho? She was. For him. He glimmered and blushed unable to stop his mind to think about his future with her, how would they make their family and how many children they want, what would be their name-

His thoughts were cut off as he felt extreme pain in his head. He didn't know what was happening. The only thing he felt was pain, the weakness enveloping his body. Tears fell from his eyes, he never felt this pain but looking at the sight in front of him was worse.

There he saw Jennie crying her heart out and screaming the last words for him to hear before the deathly darkness engulfs him completely.


Hey, minies!

Cliffhanger? Hell yeah! Sorry to leave you hanging but don't worry, I will update tomorrow to make it up to you ;)

Any ideas what is happening to Taehyung?

Anyways hope you like the chapter ~
Vote if you did and thanks for your amazing support!

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now