Chapter 40: I trusted you

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Author's Pov

"Hello V or should I say Taehyung? I am Ruby Jane, the most skilled assassin in the underground world." Jennie said revealing her true self, or her name everyone knew her from.

His breath became heavy as he looked down. He looked so stupid right now. The most dangerous mafia heir, the guy everyone feared got fooled by a girl. How disappointing.

"Never expected her, right son?" Mr. Yang said Taehyung was the most fragile right now. His tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He loved her, so much that he could have died just to save her from any problems but what if she was the problem?

He looked at her eyes to only find coldness, no emotion for him. The care and love that always was present in her eyes for him have vanished. Totally. "So you lied to me?" He asked her.

She smirked bending to his level, "Yeah. Not excepted right?" He gritted his teeth but for some reason, for an odd purpose, he didn't want to hate her. Like how he was so in love with her that he would easily let her kill him, betray him.

"What about your words? Were they lie too?" She didn't reply, just rolled her eyes. He looked at her eyes, they were the same ones he fell for, he weakly smiled and then chuckled. "You were amazing, you know?"

"I know." She replied, smirking. The old man laughed in amusement and his victory, "I love how you made the whole family a fool Jane," She smiled and nodded at the old man's remark.

"So what should we do to him, sir?" Jennie asked, Mr. Yang, grinned ear to ear and sat on his chair in front of Taehyung. The guy was horrified, ashamed of his foolishness.

"Torture, he killed Stephanie the same way, right? But do it in your new way." She smiled and nodded. Mr. Yang made himself comfortable as he lighted a cigarette, smiling cunningly at her.

She kneeled in front of the broken guy, his heart was already in million pieces. "I believed in you, and you broke it most painfully, Jennie." She smiled, but Taehyung knew something was off with it.

"What about Chaeyoung? Is she an assassin too-" He was cut off as she replied, "No, she knows nothing about my underground life, she is too pure you know?" He smiled knowing at least his best friend won't get hurt.

"Why did you did that?" He asked looking at her cat-eyes, he still gets mesmerized by it. "Did what?" She asked. "Why did you acted as you loved me?" She stopped at his question.

Only she knew the answer but she doesn't want to speak, she had a heart too and she was guilty of making his heart feel this way. "Because I said so, I ordered her to kill you with love. I am smart right son?" The old man interpreted.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and Jennie took out her knife. He looked at her and smiled as she presses the blade on his skin. His body shivering from the cold touch.

"I won't do it, don't worry." She said and threw the knife across the room. She leaned closer to his lips, dangerously close. His breath hitched, she smiled knowing it was working. "I love it when you long for my kiss."

He knew that she was his weakness and Jennie took the perfect opportunity of that. Her lips lingering around Taehyung's but never touching it. He longed for her but as of now, she wasn't his.

"Why?" He asked again, she looked into his eyes. Their eye contact made her feel something, she knew that all this time, from the starting of the plan to the end she just wanted to use Taehyung but why does she feel this is wrong?

"I trusted you..." The sentence made Jennie remember the times they had, the trust he put onto her when he let her roam around the house freely. She broke it all, his heart, his feelings for her but most importantly his trust.

The thing that took her forever to gain was broken by just one act, that's life. He was staring at her eyes, the spark was still here but he didn't want to believe in her again but can't also help not doing it.

He loves her, still. She stood up a bit and his eyes landed on her neck, the marks that he made last night. Last night was full of love and affection. He thought that she loved it too, she loved him but it was all a lie?

"What about last night?" He asked, "Whatever happened last night, words was it all a lie too?" She looked at him, the pain in his eyes was clearly evident. She bent down and whispered something to his ears but it looks like she was still doing her torture.

"Just if you knew,"

"Jane, I think it's time to finally do the main work." Mr.Yang said coming towards her, his filthy dirty hands snaked around her waist making her wanna punch his stomach but she can't, not yet.

"Of course sir," She smirked and bends, giving her light sweet peck on Taehyung's lips. He knew that this kiss wasn't normal, it was filled with something, but just if he knew, what was it.

She stood up straight and walked towards the table where guns were placed. Taking one of her favorite guns and kissing the tip, she approached Taehyung. Mr. Yang was completely impressed by her, his mission was completed.

"You know, I only wanted your fingertips because that's the only way to enter, Kim penthouse right?" Taehyung's eyes widened, no one knew about that house. It was the most important place of the Kim's. The most important papers were kept there.

If Mr. Yang would get access to this it means, not only the whole Kim Gang would be his, Lee's property that Kims snatched but also Im's and his gang. His power would get insane if he did that.

And that exactly was his plan.

She smirked and pointed the gun and the man, making the other one extremely happy. One trigger and he is dead.

Hey, minies!

Taehyung gonna die or not😌?
No spoilers <3

Hope you like the chapter~
Vote if you did ;)

Love you all,

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