Kiyotaka Receives A Message

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First of all, I am SO SORRY. I'm bad at keeping promises aren't I? I said it'd be out soon but one thing turned to another and here I basically did an unannounced hiatus. I'm so sorry.

I woke up to 2 girls cuddling beside me. The warm feeling I had been getting throughout the night must've been those two's arms.

"Kei, Hiyori. It's time to wake up."

"Eh.... oh! Good morning Kiyotaka-kun."

"Good morning to you too, Hiyori."

"... Aren't you going to greet me too, Kiyotaka? I was waiting..."

"Alright alright, I'm sorry. Good morning Kei. I love you." I hugged her.

"Mouu.... it's too early for this.. but I love you too."

"I'll be in the kitchen. I'm going to cook breakfast."

"Ooh! Can I help, Kiyotaka?"

"Me too, Kiyotaka-kun, please!" (Hiyori)

"I'm fine with it. Okay, let's get started."

Today's breakfast consisted of fluffy pancakes, topped with honey, and bacon.

I conjured the pancakes from wheat and dough and created, a sort of, pancake mix using my skill Alchemy. That's kind of helpful, using skills to make cooking easier. The bacon was made from the meat I had gotten from the butcher's a few days ago, kept fresh using Ice magic. I encased it in a airtight container and stored the meat until it was to be used. And that was today.

The appetizing smell of the bacon wafted over to Kei and Hiyori's noses. I had told them to just sit still because they were messing things up, although I didn't want to say that. I instead told them that could just wait and I would bring the food there soon.

I made enough for the three of us, and more if the girls wanted. I noticed that Hiyori was eating quite a more substantial amount of food than I thought she could eat. She was effortlessly stuffing it in her body, and soon finished.

(Hiyori probably isn't a heavy eater i know, but I just thought it looked cool here hehe.)

After the sizable breakfast we had, I began to explain to them about the journey to Plyeas. They had different reactions. Kei was more excited about going to the sea, while Hiyori wanted to assess and check out the place.

I still hadn't decided on a departure time, and decided that we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it, or whenever the time was convenient for us. 

Moments later, I received a message from Horikita. She told us to return to Norkanda, and that someone wanted to meet us. I guess we could treat this as a short reunion before going to Plyeas, Kei said.

I wouldn't go against Kei's requests. Seems like Hiyori was eager to return too. 

( Kiyotaka and Suzune's chat)

"Come to Norkanda. Someone wants to meet you."

" Who?"

"I'd rather you come back here and see for yourself."

"Hmm. I'll be there soon."

I explained the matter to Kei and Hiyori, and we decided that we'd be leaving tomorrow. 

With nothing much to do, Kei and Hiyori told me that they'd be going out to explore the city. I was then left alone in the room.

I contemplated on who the person I was supposed to meet. Maybe it was someone from our school.

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