The City Beside the Sea

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Ayanokouji POV

We had been flying for a little over 12 hours now. A magnificent city, situated beside a huge azure lake, came into view, just as the sun began to rise. A certain clock tower, bigger than the other buildings, shone brilliantly in the sunlight. We were beginning to descend now. I decided to wake up Kei and Hiyori, who were still fast asleep. It was quite uncomfortable, seeing as Kei was still lying on my chest. I tapped Kei lightly, and that seemed to wake her up. I recalled one of Internet Sensei's guide to romance. I leaned in to Kei, and gave a quick peck to her lips. She seemed awake now. She probably wasn't expecting it, seeing as her face instantly flushed red, and her grip on the wyvern loosened. She almost fell off the wyvern, luckily I took hold of her.

Hiyori, much like Kei earlier, was still fast asleep. She was very much like a child, sleeping soundly. It was quite cute. I couldn't do the same with her and giver her a kiss like Kei, or I would get a huge talking to from Kei later on. I just lightly pat her head, and that woke her up.

We were a few meters away from landing, and there were quite a number of people gathered outside, staring at us. Or rather not at us, rather, at our wyvern.

The magnificent, wyvern spreaded it's wings even wider, similar to that of the action of taking out a parachute.

Multiple numbers of guards, donned in full iron armor, marched towards us.

"Halt! Speak your name!"
A guard, who looked like a higher rank than his peers, wearing golden armor that was missing a helmet, could be seen.

I decided to go by Kiyo here.


I decided to not introduce Kei and Hiyori. The gold-armored knight was staring at Kei and Hiyori kind of creepily.

"I see, I see. Now then, since we oh so graciously allowed you to land here, and you were granted the honor of the
commander meeting you, what say you hand over those two lovely women beside you, and your wyvern? If you do so, I'll let you off with just a few scratches." The "commander" laughed while saying so.

Both Kei and Hiyori retreated in disgust. I wasn't going to stay here and watch while my girlfriend and my book buddy were getting harassed. This had turned intp quite the predicament. I took up the Psychic Element, and erased the memories of everyone present here (with Kei, Hiyori as an exception)

"Wha? What am I doing here again? Why are we outside the city?" Many people wondered. They failed to recall the events of what had transpired a mere few seconds ago. They all began to return to the city, even the commander did too. Seeing as both Kei and Hiyori were still quite disgusted, I gave my girlfriend a quick hug to reassure here. Her face turned into a blushing mess. Hiyori was given a few headpats by me.

With everything sorted, we decided to enter the city. Just as we passed the city gates, Hiyori clutched her head in pain, and her legs gave way. I caught her as she fell, and she whispered something in my ear.

"The clock tower, Kiyotaka-kun..."
She said before passing out. I switched my class to Shaman and decided to scan her body for any foreign pathogens or illnesses. I couldn't find anything wrong. I deduced that it was probably a mental attack rather than a physical one. I peered into her memories using the Psychic Element and recalled everything that had happened prior to her collapsing. Everything seemed to be normal, until a feeling similar to a sharp spike stabbed into my head happened. This must be what she felt. Since I couldn't figure out what to do with her, I decided to let her rest for a while in a nearby inn. I looked behind my shoulder and saw Kei looking kind of worried. I reassured her that everything was okay for now, but we needed to find an inn and let her rest. Having no choice, I decided to carry Hiyori on my back as we walked around the huge city, and found an inn.

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