Red Dragon! (JoJo Reference)

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*Flashback to when they were still in Azureshire. Set in the time when Horikita and Matsushita went back.*

Horikita POV

We decided to head back to Norkanda the next day. I had notified Ayanokouji-kun about our leave.

We didn't have mounts to return home, so we payed the members of a caravan who were heading to Norkanda, and we offered them protection throughout the journey.

Matsushita was still feeling rather drained from using her teleportation. The caravan had made plans to stop at a village called Stonehide. Apparently, it got it's name from a great dragon who had scales as tough as stone. It was killed near the village, which is why it was then called it's name.

For the most part of the journey to Stonehide, we weren't attacked by anything other than goblins and slimes, so it was nothing too dangerous, although I kept my guard up at all times.

A good 8 hours into the journey, we had arrived at Stonehide. The caravan made plans to stay here until the next day, so we did too. We rented a room in the Inn and stayed there.

Matsushita was now feeling quite energized. She had much more enthusiasm compared to before. She was talking to me about wanting to check the dragon's carcass, as it was still intact, or at least that's what I heard from the villagers.

It wouldn't be good for her to go out by herself, so, even though I didn't want to, I had to accompany her.

We began to walk around the village outskirts and came upon a temple. It had the dragon's intact carcass, set up on a statue in the middle of the temple.

"Whoa! Look at this Horikita-san! A real dragon! She said.

"A dead one."

"Eek, you didn't have to remind me about that."

We began to walk around the temple. Every now and then, a rather infuriated sounding grunt could be heard.

"Ahhh?! I can't take this anymore! Let's go Horikita-san!" Matsushita seemed eager to leave. Although I will admit, I was too.

She grabbed my arm and we ran out. Feeling rather tired, we went back to the Inn and had a good night's rest.

Next day...

I wonder how the class is doing? I had asked Hirata-kun to look after it while I was gone. Surely with his leadership skills, it would be okay.

We walked to the Inn's lobby and had breakfast. The caravan members said we would be leaving in an hour. I decided to spend my time enjoying my food.

1 hour later.....

We had finished preparations. We were now back on the road and headed towards Norkanda.

2 hours later.....

Nothing worth mentioning had happened in the past few hours. No monsters were showing, and birds could be seen flying away from one place. Massive flocks of birds flew in the sky, some forming a "V" shape.

As we entered into the forest, burnt remains could be seen outside. Ashes and scattered burnt remains were the only things seen in the heart of the forest.

The leaves of the many trees were gone. This level of fire can only be achieved by a very strong magic user or, a dragon. I decided to focus more on the latter, as we hadn't met anyone in our journey so far.

We decided to take a detour and go around the forest. It would take longer, but it would be worth it.

We had to cross over a particularly narrow passage on the cliffside. It wasn't very long, but there was always a risk of falling.

Just as we reached the end of the passage, a large red dragon appeared.

A deafening roar could be heard from the dragon. I wasted no time and leapt off the cliff. I notified Matsushita to use wind magic to keep me afloat in the air.

I imbued my weapon with the Ice Element, adding to it's sharpness. I  conjured icicles from the moisture in the air and froze it.

I directed the icicles towards tbe dragon's head, piercing it's skull. It didn't seem to be fazed though. The deep wound I had inflicted on it's head didn't seem it was worthy of attention.

It instantly rushed towards me and an intense heat erupted from it's mouth. I erected a dome of ice, similar to an igloo, to protect us. The ice melted quickly under the intense heat.

Ice was a sub-element of Water. I was particularly more skilled in Ice manipulation, although I could control Water too.

I took in the water droplets from the air and made it into a concentrated torrent of high pressure water. I fired it at the dragon.

The force of the high pressure knocked the dragon back and down into the forest below. I followed it down.

It was lying on the ground, back faced upwards. It was preparing to fly away, as it's wings were stretching out and making the action of flapping. I used Icicles to lock the dragon's wings in place, pierced to the ground.

The dragon shrieked in pain. I decided to end it's misery and struck the wound on it's skull I inflicted earlier.

The dragon desperately tried to move. It struggled around for a bit, until it finally stopped moving. I decided to skin the dragon for it's parts as it would be useful later on, both to sell, and as material for making equipment.

I flew up towards the end of the cliffside passage. The caravan was stopped in the outside of the cave. Once they saw me, they cheered in joy.

"Whoa! The girl actually did it! She killed a dragon!" One person said.

"Man! We should spread what happened here. Question is, how will people believe her?"

"Don't worry. I have it implanted in my brain. I can draw it up later." The artist of the group said.

"Alright! Let's head back! We're almost there."

We continued on our way to Norkanda.

An hour later.

The majestic city could be seen in the wide plains. The city was finally in sight.

"Alright. This is where we part. Thanks for the protection! I'll be sure to let people know about what you did!" One member said.

"There's really no need..." I said.

"Now, now. No need to be modest."

"Thanks for allowing us to come." Matsushita flashed a smile, causing the caravan members to blush.

We left them and headed towards the newly created guild house. Hirata-kun had notified me about the class purchasing a guild house.

We had arrived at a particularly large mansion. It was large enough to fit all of us. My classmates saw us, and went over and greeted us.

"Horikita-san and Matsushita-san is back!"

"Welcome back!" Many Class D Students said.

"We're back." I said.

This is very poguchampu

Cote in another worldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang