Short SS : Goddess Meeting

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A cloudy realm. An endless sunset. Is this heaven? Well, that's precisely where this is. Peering closer into the sky, 3 particularly beautiful figures of women could be seen. They were all seated on... chairs? Moreover, plastic ones? (Plastic exists in heaven 😆)  Either way, the three women were all chatting, with each of them holding a cup of tea in hand.

****: I must say, for you to choose that boy as your champion, Althena, it's always like you. Going for the most handsome one.

Althena: Hey! That's not the only reason.....

Eir: Fufu, but isn't that the only reason? There was another candidate though, that brown haired boy. He might even be more handsome than the champion you chose Althena-nee.

Althena: Eghh..... you might be right. The only reason I didn't choose him, be it as handsome as he was, was due to his heart. It's well, dark.

****: I totally understand! I hope he doesn't come across my Makoto. From what I can tell, he's really strong.

*Think of this as a teaser. Teehee*

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