Class A Mercenary

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(Don't hate me. I'm not good at writing fights)

A chimera with wings appeared. I used "Full Scan" and saw that it was particularly skilled in the Dark, Space and Almighty Element. Just as the Full Scan was finished, a ball of energy matter, derived from the Space Element, was released from it's mouth. (Similar to that of the action where the Tailed Beasts in Naruto raised their heads towards the sky and charged a Tailed Beast Bomb.) A big explosion would probably occur once the energy ball came into contact with something, it would probably explode. Just before the ball hit a nearby building, I erected a defensive barrier, similar to that of a net but with no holes, to cover up the ball. A fierce explosion came soon, and the net expanded.

Due to the force, we were both knocked towards the ground with a huge impact. I got up quickly, so as to not leave any openings. It seemed that Hiyori and Horikita had been blown somewhere, but I didn't have time to worry about that.

I lunged forward towards the chimera. It's claws grew long, and charged at me, most likely to slash those sharp claws at me. I was forced to retreat back as the snake on it's backside spat some potent venom. The moment the venom came into contact with a concrete structure, the parts that were affected were melted off almost instantly. I was forced to use ranged attacks. I conjured the ground beneath it to crumble, and it gave way to a hidden cave beneath the clock tower. I, too was surprised, as the existence of an underground base hadn't entered my mind.

I followed the chimera down the hole. Massive Buddha-looking statues with elephant heads lined the room. The room was shaped in a rectangular form, with the statues on the left and right sides. At one end of the room, a glass structure was located, with a sword that looked like a hybrid of a katana and a scimitar. It had markings on the handle, with the initials "T.A".

I didn't notice the symbol on the other end of the sword, as the chimera seems to have recovered, and began to lunge towards me again, most likely hoping to catch me off guard, as my back was turned. With one quick fluid movement, I heard a roar that signaled that it was in pain. I wasn't the one who cut it though, rather, it was a certain student with yellow hair that I very much recognized. It was Hashimoto from Class A. He was carrying a rather large blade, but it seemed like he could handle it.

"Yo. It's the King. How you doin?"
He said.

"Stop calling me that, I keep telling you. Did Sakayanagi send you here?"
I asked.

"Yup yup. The princess ordered me to come give you a hand. Although it doesn't seem like you need help. That monster was pretty weak already." He added.

"The princess wants to see you. Between you and me, she's getting kind of weird. I hear her saying your name when she'd by herself. Maybe it's what happens when the princess is not with the prince for an extended period of time."

That creeped me out. I decided that I would go meet Sakayanagi after exploring the labyrinth under the clock tower.

"Hashimoto. What will you do now?"
I asked.

"Well since the princess gave me instructions to basically follow you around until we get to her, I guess I'll tag along."

I sighed. It wouldn't affect me much but I just felt like his presence was a bother. I remembered about the othee symbol on the sword I glanced at earlier and decided to check it out. A symbol, containing the sun, the sea, and the earth (not planet, land) was seen. I had an idea of what it was.

I scanned around the labyrinth and after making the judgement that there was nothing else to do here, told Hashimoto that we were done and we decided to go look for the girls.

We flew up the hole under the clock tower, and saw the girls lying down on the ground.

"Whoa, looks like the King already has a harem. As expected from the wielder of the Excalibur T-Rex." He said with a smug grin.

The girls each had different reactions. Horikita shot a glare that looked like it could kill someone, at Hashimoto. Matsushita and Hiyori both turned pink. While Kei, being the jealous girlfriend she is, shot a glare. Not at Hashimoto, but rather, at me.

I couldn't find the energy to spare to deal with all this, so instead I changed the subject. I explained to them about the labyrinth and everything I found inside.

In my mind, Hashimoto sent a message. He told me that Sakayanagi was in Helios, in the Blumund Desert. I made sure to keep that in mind.

"The Sun, The Sea,  And The Earth. Plus the initials T.A, all points to the Trifecto Alliance." Hiyori said.

"Indeed. You might be correct. So the sword belongs to the Alliance? Why didn't you get it Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita asked.

"The sword was locked in place inside a transparent barrier. I couldn't destroy it, hence why I don't have it."

"Even Kiyotaka-kun couldn't destroy it?" Kei asked with a surprised expression.

I also began to explain that our next destination would be Helios, in the desert. I told everyone, including Hashimoto, to prepare, as we would begin to head towards the desert in a fortnight. Everyone nodded, and we headed back towards the inn. As we headed back, I changed everyone's memories and made them think that all this destruction was caused by monsters. Hopefully no one would know.

Hi! It's me the author! Sorry for the rather short chapter! It's because the next one will be longer than the current longest one.

Also, to those who got the notification, i'm sorry haha. I accidentally clicked publish, despite it being not finished.

Expect the chapter to come soon. Happy 2k reads! Once again, thanks for reading, and I'll see you at the next chapter!

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