Chapter 25 : Harris

Start from the beginning

A smile slowly crept through his face as he brings his face closer again for a kiss. His kiss that I'll never get tired of, his kiss that I can do all day and still ask for more. "I love you, Love." He whispered after the kiss.

"Now let's have coffee, shall we?" I say pulling myself out from his arms. His hand grabs my shirt, not willing to let go but I slapped his hand as I walked towards the table.

He sighed. "I still cannot believe Niall's cuter than me."

"Harry, you're handsome. Satisfied?"

He nods. "That's more like it." He says with a smirk as he sits himself comfortably on the chair beside me. I loved teasing him, I never failed to annoy him then bring back that smile on his lips.

"Zayn's lashes are longer and darker than yours though." I say, bringing his eating into a halt. I covered my mouth with my hand, can't help myself from giggling as he threw his spoon and fork on the plate creating a loud clank.


The morning went by, the usual Love and Harry habit, laughing at nothing and making fun of the things that happened to us. We listened to our songs and really missed performing, but of course we're not allowed to be on stage again so we end up dancing to Uptown funk instead. It's a good thing that he ended all the pretending and lies, it's a lot better right now though I admit it got more dangerous.

After lunch we decided to have some siesta before we head back to the hotel with the other boys who were all nervous that we're missing again. Harry said he made it on time to call them before they call the cops again, making us both sigh in relief.

We both woke up five in the afternoon; the siesta took longer than expected. I got out of the bathroom with a smile on my face after ignoring Harry's constant knocking, requesting about taking a bath together and conserving water. He stood by the door, his hands on his waist as he slowly shakes his head and I just laughed at him. He even tried to pull the towel off my body in revenge, "Nice try." I just said as I hugged the towel tighter around my body. Moments later when we're both ready to go, we went down and decided to use his car.

Now as we drive our way to our hotel, Harry sat uncomfortably on the driver's seat. His knees bounce as he bit the insides of his cheek. "Harry, is something wrong?"

"I don't know why, but I feel nervous." He says his hands gripped tightly on the stirring wheel.

I placed my hand on top of his right knee for comfort and he squeezed it. I looked out and watched the sky as the sun slowly sets until it vanished into the horizon. We're almost at the hotel when a loud sound suddenly erupts and our car begins to move unsteadily as Harry tries not to hit a building or a water stump. We both sighed in relief as Harry finally stepped on the breaks before we're about to hit a post.

"What was that?" I exclaimed

"I think our tire explodes." After he finished his words, another sound was made as a bullet went through the windshield. "Shit! Someone's shooting at us!" Harry yelled, pulling my head down.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked nervously.

"We better get out of here." He says as looked around for a perfect hiding place. "The bullet comes from above. We're not safe here, let's go." He grabbed my hand as he opened the door to his side and pulled me out with him.

Another shot was made, almost hitting him on the leg as we ran across the road. Couple of people was shocked seeing us running and being followed by bullets hitting the road with silenced firing sound, pieces of cement flies as the bullets hit the road. "Get out of the way! Out of the road! Please!" Harry screamed, waving his hand as we ran.

I covered my own head with my arms, as if it is strong and thick enough to be my shield as we made our way into an alley. We pressed our backs into the wall as we pant. "I have to call him." Harry says pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Who?" I say catching my breath.

"Officer Harris." He says pressing his phone to his ear. "Let's keep running." He pulled my hand once again as we ran through the alley and stopped before we exit the other end of the alley. "Officer, you've got to help us. Someone's shooting at us." He turned his head to take a peek on what's behind the wall for a while then he continued talking to Officer Harris on the phone. "I don't know where it came from, it's coming from somewhere above us... okay, and we're here along Clifford Street. Please hurry up." He says before ending the call and shoving his phone back to his pocket. He ran his fingers through his now sweaty hair as I try to calm myself. My hands are cold and my knees are shaking as we stood against the wall.

"Harry, I'm scared." I say hugging his arms as I bury my head behind his shoulder.

"I'm not going to let them kill you Love. They'll have to kill me first." He turns his head to look at me, but his eyes not only see me. "Shit."

I looked at the other end of the alley where we came from and saw a man standing by the wall, a rifle aiming at us. I gasped and Harry pulled me again to run out of the alley and into the road again. There were few people walking along the way, but the killer just doesn't give a single shit about them and continues to fire at us. We made a zigzagging way of running as Harry kept yelling at the people to get out of the way because some psycho was going trigger happy on us. I kept looking back to see who this man is but his cap was casting a shadow over his face making it hard for me to picture his face. He continues to aim his rifle at us and fires whenever he thinks he got a good aim, Harry took a step ahead each time and quickly pulling me down or swiftly pulling me to his other side.

Moments later and a speeding car stops in front of us, a man yelled "Hop in!" and we quickly made our way inside his car. I clutched into my chest as my breathing still goes unnatural, my heart nearly popping out of my ribcage. I assume he's Mr. Harris, the officer in charge of our case.

I looked back at the man that's chasing us and he's not there anymore. I wonder if he's Callie's boyfriend.

"Harry, we need to talk." Mr. Harris says as he drove us to god knows where.

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