Chapter 2:Thrifty plan

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Two weeks later
"Hi, I am new here. My name is Lee Y/N, I am eighteen this year,"
The director of the VLC entertainment, Hani, asks Y/N to do a short introduction about herself but it's too short.

"Anything more? About your parents or something else?"
She urges.

"I am currently dating with four girls,"
That's very forward indeed, the director is caught off guard, she doesn't see that coming at all. Y/N doesn't want to talk about her parents, so that she won't be seem as she is taking advance of her own wealthy parents.

"So you're in a relationship?"

"Yeah, that's right,"
Y/N affirms.

"Look, I am not opposed to it, but I don't think it will be nice for some media to expose your relationship later on when you get famous, I just want to remind you that there will be consequences,"

"So? I am only here to work, that's it,"
Y/N remarks nonchalantly, showing that she really doesn't care about anyone exposing her relationship. People will know eventually and whether they like it or not, it's not like she will break up with Blackpink anyway. The people just have to keep their mouths shut and accept it.

"Tell me why you want to come here? Like what do you wish to achieve?"

"I am looking for good plots and act, I guess,"
Y/N is not so used to environment that she is working for someone else, so she can't really change her attitude suddenly. She is not bitchy, she just doesn't know how things work yet. Lucky for her, the director likes her unique personality so she doesn't scold her when Y/N gives her such attitude.

"Well, you clearly know what you want, don't you?"

"Yeah, and also, can I not take part in any variety shows? I actually don't want to gain so much exposure, I only want to focus on my acting career,"
Y/N is really one of the kind, isn't she?


"Great, when do I start filming my first drama?"

"Wait, not yet, you will have to sort it out with your manager,"

"Oh...who is it then?"
Y/N hopes that it is a girl, if not her girlfriends will murder the manager for sure. Not that they won't get paranoid if it's a girl, it's just that they won't get triggered by everything she does. Taehyung is a good example in this case.

"You will know tomorrow, she is still on her way back to Korea,"

"Oh, so it's a she,"


"Cool, I will discuss whatever with her tomorrow then,"

At night
Y/N and Blackpink are now living in their shared house, which is located very near to their individual workplaces and schools. When they first moved in together, they were told that they had to pay the rent by themselves, Y/N almost returned back to her house immediately.

She didn't know how were they supposed to pay the rent, they literally lived in a big mansion that could fit twenty people easily, of course the rent was not going to be cheap. Y/N's assumption was not wrong, the rent was around 20,000,000 won per month. When they were choosing the shared house, they chose the big mansion without thinking twice, thinking that it would be comfortable for all of them.

Rosé was the one who paid for the rent during the first three months. Simply because she was the only one who actually had some money, her artworks had made her quite a lot of money. However, there was not much left as she often spent the money on luxury brands such as YSL, Tiffany and Co, Prada, etc.

Luckily, after three months they moved in, Jennie and Rosé have found their stable jobs. Jennie is earning 1,000,000 won per month as an intern while Rosé is working as a CEO assistant, she is earning 2,500,000 won per month, she is supposed to have more but her mother has cruelly reduced her pay. She claims that Rosé should be earning money that is equal to average worker, she has already taken a position that doesn't match her working experience, people are going to gossip about them if she gives her daughter 40,000,000 won per month. Since Lisa is also making casual money by taking photos for some less well-known magazine, the income is around 1,500,000 won per month. Jisoo too takes up part-time job as a private tutor and she earns around 3,000,000 won per month.
(I did lot of google)

Among all of them, Y/N is the only one with no income. To be fair, she did try to work in 7/11 as a part time job, but guess who got scolded and punished when she was found out working there. In conclusion, Blackpink don't allow her to work at all, not when they think Y/N may get kidnaped if some creeps target her after they saw her working at 7/11.

Although their money is not enough to cover for their rent, Y/N's parents have actually paid for their rent, because they don't want their daughter to suffer from financial issue.

She is too young, her parents defend.

After going through the whole hell-like experience, the five of them finally decide to sit down and discuss about their financial problem together.

"First of all, no more luxury brands,"
Jisoo announces loudly.

"But why? What if I need to attend some important events?"

"Jennie, you're only an intern, you don't need to attend important events, and plus, you have more than enough Chanel in your closet, you don't need more,"

"Secondly, we have to share our rooms,"
Jisoo continues to present her proposal.

Y/N asks in slight hostility. Look, she has OCD, she doesn't like sharing anything with people. Though her girlfriends can be exceptions but that doesn't mean that she wants to share a room with them permanently.

"If we share room together, we don't need to pay as much bills than having rooms individually,"

"Wait, do you not want to share a room with us?"
Lisa squints her eyes at Y/N.

"I mean, occasionally is fine,"

"How dare you, Lee Y/N, I thought you're supposed to say yes gratefully,"
Jennie then jumps on top of Y/N and starts to tickle her playfully.

"Unnie, stop, it's ticklish,"
Y/N laughs while pushing Jennie's devilish hands away from her waist.

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