"Hn." Sasuke glared

"Sorry, sorry... I Just feel proud of you" Kasumi said ruffling his hair

"Now, I got you some onigiri with tomatoes on the side" Kasumi said

"I kinda missed your chocolates..." Sasuke said sitting on a chair

"whoa whoa, Is that sasuke I hear craving chocolates?" Kasumi said with a smirk

"Oh shut up" Sasuke glared


"Now, now you're going to rip your eyes out if you keep glaring at me, I can tolerate your hair but not your eyes" Kasumi chuckled

"What is it with my hair? Jealous?" Sasuke taunted

"When you were born you're hair almost resembled a mustache... and as you grew, I just don't know what went wrong..." Kasumi faked sadness

"Hn." Sasuke said going into his usual brooding attitude

'Well I should be glad he doesn't express that brooding attitude in front of me' Kasumi thought with a smile

"Welp, Finish your food, and do your usual routine. I'm gonna go to bed, It's been a long day" Kasumi yawned

"Good night, nee-chan" Sasuke said making kasumi smile

"Night sasuke"

'He's still a kid, No matter what happened to his past I must guide him' Kasumi thought


"Ooh, I heard you'll be getting your teams today kakashi, haha good luck!" Kasumi winked

"ugh..." Kakashi groaned

"It'll be fun trust me" Kasumi laughed

"And why should I?" Kakashi asked

"why not?" Kasumi said

"Oi, Kiki" Kakashi called making the poor brunette sensei to get a tick mark

"I told you stop with the nickname! Bakashi!" 

"mou... No need to get mad, was it fun to teach my little sumi here?" Kakashi asked with a close eyed smile

"It depends" The brunette sensei squinted his eyes

"Huh? depends? How so?" Kakashi chuckled

"because... She can be fun to be around, she's a good listener really and she's also a fast learner, although... She can be quite sassy, and a troublesome student, what a drag" 

"see what I mean?" Kakashi said to which made kasumi roll her eyes

"Sensei... are you sure, You're not a nara? You're spending too much time with the naras I believe" Kasumi said

"Shikaku had been challenging me for shogi these days, It can't be helped" The brunette sensei shrugged before they heard a bird from above them

"well, That's my cue" Kakashi sighed before he started walking with the two walking behind him

"nice bird" Kasumi said looking up at the sky to which made the other sensei to look up in the sky 

"No goodluck?" Kakashi sweatdropped

"I hope you fail miserably and embarrass yourself so that you will lock yourself in a room and gai shall visit you everyday saving me from the nightmares" Danki started muttering

"You have serious issues" Kasumi said backing away from her sensei

"You okay Somagi?" Kakashi asked with a sweatdrop as kasumi really started to grow terrified with all her sensei's muttering that she had to hug kakashi tightly 

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