Thorin Oakenshield and Contract

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Ariana's POV

"Ariana and Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield" Gandalf says.

"So, this is the hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?" Thorin asks my brother. I frown, why would anyone need to fight in the Shire?

"Pardon me" Bilbo says looking confused.

"Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice?" Thorin asks him.

"Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know. But I fail to see why that's relevant" Bilbo tells him.

"I personally always wanted to learn how to fight with a sword" I state.

"I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar" Thorin says ignoring my comment.

"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asks him.

"Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms" Thorin states.

"And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hill say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asks him.

"They will not come" Thorin answers. The others look disheartened by the news. "They say this quest is ours, and ours alone" he states.

"You're going on a quest?"  Bilbo and I ask together.

"Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light" Gandalf says. Bilbo goes to get some more candles. As Gandalf lays a map on the table. Bilbo returns. "Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak" he states.

"The Lonely Mountain" Bilbo says.

"Erebor" I state. I'd heard stories of it and about the beast that resides there. I used to pretend I was fighting a dragon freeing Erebor. But I was a kid.

"Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say: it is time" a red haired dwarf says. I think I heard the others call him Gloin.

"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold. When the birds of the old return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end" Oin recites.

"Uh...what beast?" Bilbo asks.

"Well that would be a reference to Smaug the terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks, extremely fond of precious metals" Bofur explains.

"We know what a dragon is" we tell him.

"I'm not afraid, I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of the dwarfish iron right up his jacksy!" the youngest dwarf yells.  Another tells him to sit down.

"The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest" Balin states.

"If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?" Thorin asks them. They others agree to reclaim Erebor.

"Forgive me if I am mistaken. But wasn't the front gate sealed during Smaug's attack?" I ask them trying to remember the story.

"Aye, there is no way into the mountain" Balin states.

"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true" Gandalf states and hands Thorin a key. "This was given to me by your father by Thrain, for safekeeping. It is yours now" he tells him.

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