"Hey!" She sputtered, "Knock it off!"

"Alright, that's enough," Marie strolled out from inside the cabin, "Cuz, Marie is here!" She struck the Squid Sisters pose.

"You..." Shatter's eyes widened with fear and she scrambled to the farthest side of the snowglobe.

"Okay, okay! Word around the valley is Octavio's got agent One. Just don't shoot! ACHOO-ACHOO-ACHOO! Let's talk about this!"

"Well, that was easy. Guess my reputation precedes me."

"Who could forget those dead eyes and ruthless attacks?" Shatter shuddered.

"Huh?" Katsu looked at Two, who shrugged. "Where's One being held?--"

"And where have you taken Tide!" Katsu cut in.

"As for One I don't know for certain, but I imagine she's being kept at Cephalon HQ. Keep on cutting through canyon clusters and you'll find her." She spoke quickly, keeping one eye on Two.

"I have no idea about where Three is, though. ACHOO! Haven't seen him in years."

"LIAR!" Katsu shouted, slamming her palm against the glass.

"You had his headset!" She held it up, staring at the octoling through slitted eyes.

"I stole those from him ages ago! Before you were even friends!" Shatter sniffed, "If you don't believe me just ask Cap'n. He got Three a replica."

"Funny story. It just so happens that Cap'n is missing too. Now, who do we know has squidnapped Cap'n before?"

Shatter's left eyelid started to twitch.

"Okay, I know it looks bad. But you have to believe me! I didn't do it! I don't even work in the military anymore!"

Katsu turned away, "Doubtful. But fine. Don't want to confess now? Let's see how you feel after a week of confinement."

"Now, now agent Four," Two chided, sidling up to the glass, "Maybe we can cut a deal with this octoslob. If you allegedly stole a bunch of valley zapfish perhaps you'd be willing to help the Squidbeak Splatoon regain them? Once we've used them to power our way to Octavio I'm sure you can go on your merry way."

Several emotions flashed across Shatter's face. Then she sneezed.

"Never." The fear dissolved, replaced with cold resolve.

"The zapfish aren't mine to give. And certainly not yours to take.  They belong with the people."

"Pity, guess we'll be going with your plan, Four. Get comfortable, little octoling. It'll be a while."

Two and Katsu walked away from her, towards Tentakeel Outpost. Katsu kept her eyes trained on the horizon, refusing to look back. Lies. She has to know. A lurking suspicion whispered in the back to her mind. What if she's telling the truth. What if you're no closer to finding Tide than you were this morning.

Katsu wrung her tentacles and growled.

"Next kettle. It's not that late yet."

"Four, you've already done three today, don't you need a break?"

"I could go all night."

Two sighed, "That's unhealthy, Four, we've been over this. Besides I for one need my beauty sleep."

"I suppose if you need to stop..."

Two's phone chimed. She dug it out from the folds of her kimono.

"Octarian activity at the reef."

She sighed in defeat, "Suit up, Four. Let's knock these bottom feeders out of our city."

Splatoon 2:  Lost In The DarkWhere stories live. Discover now