After a couple of seconds of silence, they noticed that Maria's breathing became faster. Sweat was dripping off her forehead and she was slightly shaking. The group of friends looked at each other with worried eyes and they all sat up to look at her and let her breath.

« What's happening to her? » Draco asked.

« I don't know. » Mattheo answered still looking at his girl that looked to have a lot in mind.

« Maybe she's having a nightmare. » Blaise suggested. « Should we wake her up? » he proposed.

They all nodded not knowing what they could do else to help her. Mattheo was the first to move. He advance toward her and he approached his arm closer to her to place it on her shoulder but before he could even touch her, she suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed his wrist as if she was scared. The sudden move made Mattheo and all the friends flinch. Maria looked around the room and noticed that she was finally out of her dream/nightmare. A sight of relief escaped her mouth as she recognized all her friends around her.

« Oh thank fucking merlin. » she said as if she was out of breath.

Without another word Mattheo hugged her tightly as if he was scared to loose her once again.  The group of friend followed a second later. They were having a group hug. Maria felt safe again in their arms. The voice had finally stopped. At that moment, her mind was at peace, Like nothing could hurt her or try to make her hurt herself.



Professor McGonagall was speaking with Maria's aunt, Gina Prince. They were sitting at her office speaking of Maria's condition and what they found when they did a bunch of tests while she was unconscious and trying to understand better what was happening to her.

Gina spent most of her days crying and praying for her niece to be okay just one more more day was what she was saying everyday. It was killing to her to know that she wasn't with her everyday to take care of her but she knew that she needed her friends and it was what makes her happy. They make her happy. She already lost her brother (Maria's father) and she didn't want to lose another member of her family. She considered Maria as her own daughter and it was killing her to see her in pain everyday.

Like every time she was sitting on a chair waiting to know the news about her niece, she was nervous and scared. Everytime she would get bad news that would breaks her heart even more. Her left leg was bouncing up and down as she waited for Professor McGonagall to start talking.

« so as you know, Maria hasn't been really well lately. » McGonagall started. She didn't want to be the one to say the new but she had to. Even if she wasn't the responsible of the Slytherins, she truly cared about every student included Maria. « a lot of doctors, surgeons and many others had made a lot of tests on Maria's situation. That never saw something like this before. »

Gina was getting even more stressed as she heard that they never saw something like that which means that the researches on her disease weren't really clear and developed.

« But when we thought that we couldn't find anything, we finally found something...the poison in her blood is actually a virus that contains poison in it. Her brain already got attacked by it but it's not completely infected, that is why she is still with her mentally and still have her senses but once all her brain will be touch by the virus...she will not survive... »

Tears were slowly falling of Gina's eyes. She never thought it could be that bad and that soon, the only person she considered her daughter would die. She couldn't support it but she needed to stay strong. Maybe there was a way to cure it? Is there?

« C-can we do something to stop it from infecting her brain entirely? » Gina stuttered as her voice tremble trying not to cry.

« We're not sure, everyone is working really hard to make a cure to this virus. We're already on a track for one but we're not sure if we have enough time to make it before it's too late. » Minerva explained calmly as she herself was trying to control her tears that were trying to escape her eyes.

Gina nodded slowly as she was still trying to proceed what she just heard and what is going to happen. « How may time she has left before it's too late? » she asked not sure if she really wanted the answer.

«...we're a talking about a couple weeks, maybe a month. » the Professor answer with a low voice knowing that it would cause a bad reaction from the lady infront of her.

A sob escaped Gina's mouth. She couldn't believe that she only had a couple weeks with her niece. It was too soon. Time passes to fast...

« We will do everything in our power to make that cure and save your niece Gina...I promise » she tried to rassure her with her promise. But could she keep her promise?

The hardest thing to do was yet to come. Telling Maria what was gonna happen.

How is she gonna react?

We will find a cure.

I promise...

Little did she know...that promise could break in a second...

                                    Thank you for reading, love ya 💕❤️ xxx

One more day.  ; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now