our first quest

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heeeey! im sorry last chappie was short! this one will be longer! i promise!



Arianne POV

light hit the front of my eye lids as i tried to open my eyes which we rusted shut from dried tears, my vision was blurry but cleared eventually. blinking a take in my surroundings. we were all in a huge doggy pile in a cave. my hands sunk into the moist damp floor of the cave witch was littered with a soft blanket of pine. Magnus's head was on Fletcher's chest, Fletcher's head was on Esme thighs who was in Ryder's arms, Flynn was laying against Ryder's back upright with Marys cuddled up on his lap with his hand resting on her head. i looked and saw that i was in Dem's arms and his head was on Magnus's lap. how did we get into a cave again? i scratched the back of my head and rubbed my eyes.

sitting up stretching my aching bones which had been in the same position for too long. my hair probaly looked like a mini bristle bush with leaved and dirt stuck in it. why were we in a cave? then like hurricane it hit me. our town, our family, the Gaher, all of it. fresh tears sprung up into my eyes feelings of pain and anguish swallowed me.No no Ari dont do this! after mentally slapping myself i whipped my tears and tried to remember why we were in a cave.

Oh! that's right Fletcher was worried that the Gaher might send some of their troops into the forest to look for anyone who escaped. we had walked a few notes before we found this cave and every collapsed form exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep. getting up and brushing what i could of my skirt i decided to go look for some food. i thought of bringing Magnus but the  looked over at him and Fletcher, they were the best of friends and he looked so comfortable i just couldn't!.

walking out of the cave i shaded my eyes from the harsh sun rays..

"Ari! what are you doing!? soldiers of Gaher could be out there!" a voice shouted out from behind me. i turned to see the panicked green eyes of Mary. she was breathing heavily obviously distraught by my absence.

"no worries Mary! the men have gone! do you hear the sounds of men in heavy armor?" i asked. she looked skeptical then looked at me.

"wha-what do you think happened to them?" she asked her voice soft and vulnerbale.

i smiled at her

"they'll be fine, master Fortoll wouldn't just role over and give his town to those nasty Gaher's" i reassured her hoping my lie worked. looking into her eyes i knew it hadn't fooled anyone.

"thank you Ari now lets go look for some food" she said looking down as tears welled up in her eyes but she kept them down.

we walked in silence into the forest keeping our eyes peeled and looking for any eddible's laying and growing around in the forest, damp soil. my skirt kept getting snagged in the low roots, and branches and soon enough i got fed up. looking over at Mary only to see her grappling with a root that had ensnared the end of her dress.

"Mary do you happen to have and knife on you?" i asked her. she used it for engravings in stone.

"yes, but why?" she asked digging into her leather sac witch hung from her belt.  i grinned

"its time to start a new style" and i brought the carving knife toward my skirt and began to rip thru the material.

ten minute later Mary had a short dress on that came mid thigh, with her writing sac and a thick leather belt, from witch it hung from, while i was in a skirt and my long sleeved blouse with a thick black belt with sacs that contained my magic which was charms, each charm had a purpose and i always kept them all with me. we both had thick leather legging instead of wearing the whole dress, we may be women but we were wizards too and that all ways came first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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