Confessions and Losing Control

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"Hazza?" Louis asked, knocking on the bathroom door. "I need to talk to you about something."

He had planned this speech all morning. He was going to start in by making sure Harry knew that no matter what, Louis would always be there to support him, and then he was going to tell him how much he meant to him just as a friend. And then after easing into it, Lou was going to tell Harry that he had started getting confusing feelings for him. 

Well, that was the plan

It had been two weeks since that night when Lou confessed his feelings while Harry was sleeping. The tour had been going better since then- Harry had been keeping his food down almost every day, and was starting to get more energy. Everyone could feel it onstage, and every show turned into a party, with Harry dancing and laughing and making jokes with the audience. 

Lou could hardly stop staring at Harry lately. His energy just drew in Lou like a magnet, and all he could think about was holding Harry's wrists down on the bed, Harry's heavy lidded eyes smiling over at him first thing in the morning when Lou finally got to see that particular shade of green again, and how good it felt to have Harry tucked into his chest- being the little spoon while they watched movies. 

"Yeah Lou?" Harry asked, stepping out of the bathroom in a pair of grey sweatpants and no shirt. The meal plan mixed with him keeping most of his food down had slowly started to soften some of his old harsh angles, and gave him a glow about his face, with softer cheeks and a healthy flush. 

Louis bit his lip and tried not to trail his gaze down to Harry's flat stomach. 

"What did you need to tell me?" Harry asked again, toweling off his curls. 

Louis thought about his whole speech, and how hard he had tried to make sure he was going to handle this the right way. 

But then he thought about Harry, still dripping from his shower, his tattooed skin still warm from the hot water, and his body getting more tempting as he slowly filled out all the harsh empty spaces he used to have. 

Lou stepped closer to Harry, and forgot everything he wanted to say. 

He pressed his lips up to Harry's, and Haz's lips melted into his. 

Lou grabbed Harry by his hips and pressed him into the wall, their kiss getting more and more frantic. Lou ran his hand across Harry's stomach- right across the butterfly tattoo- and Harry moaned softly, gripping Lou's hair in his hands. 

Louis felt like there was something spreading through his veins- his whole body felt alive with something he had never felt before. Harry's hands had wound around Lou's waist, and were pulling his hips tighter against his, trying to close the space between them even though there wasn't any to start with. 

Louis grabbed Harry by the hips and steered him toward the bed. Harry laid down on his back, looking up at Lou with his fiercly green eyes as Louis held himself slightly over Harry and gave him one final, lingering kiss before laying down on the bed next to him. 

"I... I had a speech planned," Louis said after the two layed for a moment in silence. 

Harry started laughing. 

"I'm serious," Louis said. "I need you to know that just because I might think of you differently than a friend doesn't mean that I can't just be your friend." 

"Mmm but, Louis, maybe I don't want to be just friends anymore," Harry whispered, propping himself up on his elbow so he could look at Louis. 

"Really?" Louis asked. He swore he could feel his heart contract. 

"Well I don't usually make out with my friends," Harry said, smirking. 

"I..." Louis started, "I just really don't know what I want right now, but I just really wanted to do that." 

"Mhmm," Harry agreed, "We should do it again sometime." He trailed his long fingers along Louis' arm, and Louis shivered just from the light contact. "So are you into boys now?" Harry asked. "Welcome to the club," he winked. 

Harry had opened up with Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall about being bi a little while ago. Louis didn't think much of it though, it's not like it changed anything. Until now. 

"I don't know," Louis said. "I think it's just you." 

Harry beamed, he looked like a child on Christmas morning. 

Louis checked his phone for the time. "Well, Harold, it's been fun, but we have a concert to get to." 

"Mmm why don't we just play hooky?" Harry asked, a smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. 

Louis sighed. "Good God, that sounds tempting." 

Harry smiled and hesitantly leaned forward to kiss Lou one last time before they had to leave for their show. 

Lou smiled back, but as Harry quickly slipped on his favourite shirt and grabbed his wallet and hotel key, Lou couldn't help but get the sinking feeling that maybe they really should be playing hooky. He couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. 

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