Part 5 || 11 - End of Deathly Hallows

Start from the beginning

"No!" I yelled, "Just because Parkinson is scared doesn't mean the whole house should suffer. I believe that there might be a few Slytherins in here who would like to fight" I completed and waited for someone to raise their hand. I looked at Blaise. No response. I looked at Theo. No response.

"Do you think that we all are doing this for Harry? No, we're doing it for ourselves, for our future, for our upcoming generation, so that they don't have to go through what we did. Right now, our lives are just as important as Harry's. And would you want to live in a world that is ruled by Voldemort?" I said and a lot of people gasped at how I took his name.

"A lot of people died for this. Like Harry's mom. And mine. And Cedric. And Dumbledore. And Professor Moody. They died for us. They died fighting for the right side. Don't let their deaths go in vain. And its just his name. For Merlin's sake, I'm his daughter and I'm fighting against him. Now, who's with me?" I asked and one by one, a lot of people raised their hands.

"Very well, Mr. Filch, take Miss Parkinson and the others who don't want to fight, to the dungeons" McGonagall said and the others were taken.

"Right, now, I need a few to man the hallways, please protect any children you can, a few on the stairs, a few in the common room with the younger ones. I need a few at the windows. I will need a lot at the entrance, Mum, Professor Flitwick, Professor Slughorn and I will start with protective spells. The rest of the Order can split up in the castle" I said and everybody looked at me.

"What are you waiting for?" McGonagall said from beside me. "Move, move, move" I yelled and everyone scattered away. I went outside and started placing protective spells.

"Protego Maxima"

"Repello Inimicum"

"Fianto Duri"

A thick layer of shield formed itself around the border of the castle. "Alright, man the boundaries. Stay strong" I said to the others and headed into the castle.

"Cut! Brilliant Y/N!" David said making me smile. We continued for a few more war scenes and called it a day. Tom wasn't on set today, he didn't have scenes until tomorrow. He had been calling me all day but I kept ignoring. I knew what he would ask of me, either come home to hang out or visit Timber or dog sit her.

I want to do every other thing with him, but not when Jade is there. He called again but I ignored. I headed over to Mrs. Perry's to pick up my dinner, "One summer sausage sandwich, a potato salad and one diet coke" Mr. Perry said as he put my dinner in a brown paper bag. "And two pieces of chocolate fudge, on the house for our favorite customer" the dark skinned man, who treated me like his own grand daughter smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Mr. Perry" I said as I pulled out my phone to text Tom.

Hey, was busy at set...
You called?

Yeah, I did...
You couldn't even call back?
And you're texting me!

Tommy, I've been busy, love
Did you need anything?

I can only call you if I need anything?

Lately seems like it

What is that supposed to mean?

You're coming on set tomorrow?

Yeah, I've been dying to get back to work
What about you?
When's Ellen scheduled for you?

A week after we finish filming
It sucks that you're not going to be there
And honestly Tom, if you scare me one more time-
Then you can say bye to Shorty

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