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Just what was on her mind, where is she taking me? I looked at my hand which she had clenched tightly and I could just see her back which was facing me. She was pulling me by the hand and taking me to some place which was not known to me. This world was new to me. There were beautiful flowers all around and the place appeared to me to be no less than heaven itself. Though I was sure that this was not actually heaven, it was something like it. As we walked through the lane, I could only see misty flowers, some beautiful garlands hung on statues of people I don't recognize. What exactly was this place, was this some kind of misconception of my stupid brain or was it all real? It appeared real and the pictures all around were quite vivid, but it was clearly something that I had never witnessed before. Suddenly, I could see a huge door, cladded with all sorts of different flowers again. Now I had started to hate those flowers. I just hate excess of anything, even when they are some beautiful flowers.

Bondita turned around and finally left my hand as she smiled at me.

"Bondita, what's behind this door?", I asked her, curiosity clearly visible in my voice. My eyes questioned her through the constant glare that I was giving her. What was this place exactly?

"Pati Babu, just let me open it once. You become so impatient.", she pouted, being irritated.

She quickly took out those keys that she carefully ties to the end of her saree. She just searched the lot and her eyes glittered when she found the key of this unknown door. If Bondita has the key to this door, how come I don't know what's across it?

She adjusted the key on the lock and tried hard but she was not able to open that door. I quickly held her hand and as if by magic, the key turned and then the door opened. Bondita smiled at me and I smiled back at her. She placed her hands on the handles of the door and took a deep breath as she shuddered again before pushing it open.

I placed a hand on her shoulder as I said," Bondita, it's just a door. Why are you hesitating? Is something wrong?"

She looked at me and smiled again as she said,"Pati Babu, nothing is wrong. It's just so overwhelming for me right now. I don't know how you'll face what's behind this door."

I gave her a questioning stare and she looked away. She took a deep breath again, placed her hands again on the door and within a second, she pushed the door open.

All of a sudden, I thought I would just get blind with the light that was coming out of the door. It was so irritating to the eyes. My reflex prompted me to put my hands on my eyes, covering them.

Suddenly, I felt two hands over my hands. Bondita immediately uncovered my eyes as the light had suddenly disappeared. A sweet smell took control of my nose. We were just standing at the threshold of the door and I could only wonder what was in store. A soothing gust of wind blew on my face and all I could feel was solace laced with joy. Bondita held my hand tightly as she looked at me with love.

We took our steps forward and went past the door.

What I saw made me fall short of words. The view in front of me just simply could not be explained in words. As Bondita had said, it was so overwhelming right now. It was as if I was in a different world altogether. Unknowingly , tears welled up in my eyes and Bondita wiped them away. She took my hand in hers as we walked forward.

I could see a small girl, sitting at the threshold of her house, holding a pencil in her hand. There was a notebook placed on her lap and she was chewing the end of the pencil now. A man was sitting along with her and from my guess, I could make him out to be the father of the girl. A woman came out of the house and very lovingly brushed her hair with love, she might be the mother.

With Love ( Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant