School Trip

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The next morning Hizashi was the first to wake up, and decided to be a rooster, so he screamed as loud, and high pitched as he could without using his quirk. Bad idea. The first to get up was Nemuri, then Shota, who fell out of his tree cocoon, onto the ground, Izuku falling with him, "accidentally" turning into a wolf, and pouncing on Hizashi to shut him up, Nemuri was ready to sedate Hizashi, and Shota was ready to find a racoon, and stick it on Hizashi's face. Let's just say he learned his lesson.

A while later, after they had all found and had some food, and water, they started walking, trying to find actual shelter, when they ran into Sekijou, who was trying to spear fish at the lake using his quirk.

"Shota, can your cat catch fish? I can't get any, and I don't wanna fill the lake up with blood," Sekijou explained, annoyed that he couldn't get any, while slightly nodding at Izuku, who was sleeping on Nemuri's head curled up in a ball.

"Dunno, let's see," Shota responded, "hey Kit, you think you can catch a fish? Someone over here is apparently incapable of doing so." Izuku's ears had perked up, so they knew he was listening, and he got up, went over to the water, and not even thinking, just following his instincts, caught a few fish.

At some point the whole class had made their way over to the lake, meeting up, and working together to find things to make something to eat, as well as make shelters, and a fire. One of the students had a quirk that allowed them to stick multiple items together, as well as unstick them at any time, but only by choice, deactivating her quirk won't make things unstuck, and another student had a fire based quirk, allowing him to help start the fire to cook the fish, and other meat that some students had brought, such as deer/venison.

While everyone was taking a break to wait for their meal to finish cooking, one of them asked Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri about the cat they had that had caught some of their food, and they told them what they had told Sekijou, and the rest of the class decided that they would all help take care of Izuku, by doing things like petsitting, or getting food, treats, and toys, as well as help to hide him when necessary. By the way, the shelters looked something like this, only a bit bigger with more privacy

After they had all eaten, they each went to their shelter, which had 3 to each, like the dorms, to decrease the amount they would need, therefore making it less work. Of course Hizashi, Shota, and Nemuri shared one, and Izuku was there too, this time he had fallen asleep early, so Nemuri had taken him, making sure he was warm, and eventually fell asleep too

The next day was similar, only this time Hizashi was smart, mainly because now it was his whole class, and not just the other three, who were already terrifying enough as it was.

The day was pretty much a repeat of the previous one, only this time they all split up into groups to go explore, or just hang around, rather than setting everything up as they had done the previous day. They had split up into groups of 3, or 4, Shota ended up not being in a group with the other two, but instead ended up with Shino Sosaki (Mandalay), and Sekijou. Someone had said that they should give the groups code names incase anything happened, so the names were, Kit (Shota's, for obvious reasons), Siren (Hizashi's, again, obvious reasons), Danger (reason being it had Nemuri, Yawara Chatora [Tiger], and Ryuko Tsuchikawa [Pixie Bob]), Radar (the group that stayed back, and was responsible for making sure everyone was safe), and Hunters (the group that was in charge of food for the day, even if they didn't need it at the moment, as they would be there for another three days after the current one finished.)

I wanna go run around, but I need to be hidden, Izuku thought, scratching at a tree stump while the students were taking a break after walking for almost a solid hour. "I think we should head back in maybe half an hour, it's getting later, and we still have to go find things like where to put our food, and water as storage, and being able to have a bigger fire, it's supposed to be cold tonight," Shino commented, she was sitting in a branch on one of the big trees, some of the trees in that forest were about 15 ft. wide, so the branches were very big.

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