Out on the Town

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Ruby: Right. We'll meet back here and discuss what we've found.

     We all go our seperate ways and I gave Blake one more Poke'ball just in case she needs a quick getaway vehicle. Then, Yang and I get on her motorcycle and ride into the shady side of town, we turn down into an alleyway and come to a halt.

Yang: *as she takes off helmet* Come on, my friend's in here.

(Y/n): In a back alley bar?

      We walk in as I straighten my hat and this backalley bar looks nice, I guess.

Yang: Guess who's back?!

      We suddenly have a bunch of guns pointed at us, this of course confuses me.

(Y/n): Can you define your version of friend to me?

????: Stop! Stop. Nobody shoot. *breaks through crowd* Blonde, you're here. Why?

Yang: You still owe me a drink.

     Yang drags the guy back to the bar to talk and I am in a bit of awe.

(Y/n): *whistles* Remind me to never piss her off.

Blake POV

       I head to an abandoned warehouse and find the symbol that marks the location of the faction meeting. I peek around the corner and see a White Fang guard outside as two potential Faunus recruits walk in. I turn to Gengar.

Blake: Okay, this is it. Stick to the shadows and get as close to the stage as you can. I'll let you know if we need to leave.

Gengar: *agreement* Gengar.

      Gengar disappears into the ground and I assume it starts making it's way inside. I put on a Grimm mask and am about to head inside when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I quickly grab the opposing hand and pin the person to the wall and pull out my katana and put it against their throat.

Blake: *hushed* Sun?!

Sun: Surprise.

Blake: I told you to leave.

Sun: No can do. You can't face this by yourself.

Blake: *groans in annoyance* I don't have time for this. Come on.

Sun puts on a mask and follows me into the warehouse. We start to listen to the speech of the White Fang, then Roman Torchwick himself steps forward and starts talking about how he got his hands on some of Atlas' new paladin mech suits, then talks a bit about some sort of operation going down in the southeast. At this point I start looking for an escape route.

(Y/n) POV

Junior: I told you, 'I don't know.'

Yang: How can you not know?

Junior: I haven't seen him since the first night you came in here. He paid upfront, I lent him my men and none of them came back.

(Y/n): So, where did they go?

Junior: What kind of stupid question is that?! They never came back. Who is this guy?

Yang: Don't worry about him. Worry about me if I don't find out what I want.

Junior: Roman hired my men and I guess he wasn't satisfied with them, *turns to his men* which is something I can relate to!

Yang: *sighs* Come on (Y/n).

(Y/n): Now what?

Yang: We've gotten all we can, I suppose. Just hope the others are having better luck than we are.

A Man that Summon Monsters (Pokemon Trainer x RWBY)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora