"So you're an Asian? "
Liam leaned on the cushion near me half sitting, letting the stretch show the outlines of his abs and muscle.

"Half Asian. My grandfather was from India. My dad was born in the Uk and my mom is a Turkish." I answered averting my eyes away from his abs.

"Whoa. You kinda have half of the world in your blood line."

"Like I haven't heard that before."

"Zayn is half Asian too." Niall blurted out making us all quiet. Later he understood what blunder he'd made.
I saw the unpleasant feelings in everyone's face. Zayn was still a sore topic for them obviously.

"Can we please concentrate on music? The reason why we're here. " Harry was more than pissed. We obliged without a word.

Another 3 hours later we were done for the day. Niall and Louis got out giving me some of the mate hugs. Liam walked with me asking me more questions about my singing.

"Nova "

I think I heard Harry Styles calling my name.

I turned to make sure. He was there, standing at the door, eyes direct on me.

HOLLY Lord I liked my name on his voice!
What? No forget that I said it.

"Do you have a minute to talk? "
He asked, flat tone, no emotion. Just bossiness. I nodded, dumbfounded.

"I'll see you later then."

Liam took off with a smile leaving me to face the doom alone. I turned to Harry again. He entered inside, meaning we were going to talk in private.
I gulped. Hard.

I literally dragged my feet on this point as nervousness made me indecisive whether I should step inside the room or flee for my life.

God! why was I so nervous!
Because you're intimidated by him answered my subconscious.

Yeah right! And he made it very clear that he didn't like me as his other mates did.
But what about being a warrior?
I tried to brush off the nervousness and entered inside. He was sitting on the couch resting his leg onto the others like bigass mafia's do. He was scrabbling something on a binder and chewing a gum.
Oh my days! His mouth!

Crap! Who told me to look at his mouth!

"Have a seat."
he said without looking at me. I obliged not because he said so because as shameful as it was but here's the truth- 'he made me weak in my knees'.

"How much confidence do you have over guitar? " he asked still scribbling.

"On a scale of ten I'd say one." I answered and wished he wouldn't shoot me right away.
But instead his eyes slid up to me which I couldn't read but surely scared the shit out of me.

"You have to master in guitar. At least on the songs we're working. Get a trainer soon."
He continued his scribbling and chewing again.
Do not look at his mouth!

"But I don't know anyone in particular. And my schedule is also tight this month given the situation. " I said worried.

It was the truth and let's not talk about how much getting a trainer would cost.
He seemed to understand my situation, at least I saw concern in his face. FOR THE FIRST TIME.

"Well " he said after a long pause "the management won't do anything about it. In that case I'll help you if you want."

My mouth hung open. Did he actually say those words? He couldn't. My brain must have processed his words wrong. Right? RIGHT??

"Do you always have problems to response to simple words? " he said, obviously annoyed that I haven't responded yet.

"Um no. Sorry. Yes. okay."

What the fuck was I doing!

I shut my mouth to get a grip and then said words that actually made sense.

"Yes. It would be very helpful."

Apparently he found my stupidity amusing because The left side of his mouth hitched up finally granting me a slight show of his dimple which usually hides behind his pompousness.

"But I can't give you any exact timing. You might need to come whenever I'm free. So think again. "

"It's okay. I'll manage."

Didn't I say that my schedule is tight? But I'd be a dumb if I decline this offer.

"Alright. We'll work on weekends or do you have classes or plans? " he closed the binder.

"No. Weekends will be fine. "
He nodded and stood up, clearly indicating that our TALK is over. I was happy to finish it. Enough show of my pigheadness for one day. He walked towards the door before me while I gathered my bag.

"And Nova " he spoke, again
scaring the crap out of me
"Be comfortable. I don't bite."

With that he was out the door. I stood there mouth open and red cheeks. And a thudding heart too.

The Only Girl In 1D Where stories live. Discover now