Perfect Plump Pear Parfait Pie Pastry Part 3

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Zelda:  Revali? May I borrow your extra crust?

Revali: What for?

Zelda: Your's looks so good! And you have too much.

Revali: hmmm

Revali: Sure, you can have the trimmings.

Zelda: Thanks!

Urbosa is kneading her doughy bread crust, though it seems like she's making bread.

Zelda has ladled her batter and is coating her many pie tins with them. Wonder what she's doing

Revali and Link have taken theirs out of the oven, Link's looks purple and disgusting. Revali's however looks simply heavenly.

Mipha has started on making her pear parfait filling. She is whipping up the cream and slicing the pears.

Daruk has taken his crust out of the oven as well. Some of the metals and gems have melted and bled into each other so it looks stunning.


Urbosa: My crust is a little strange.

Daruk: It is

Urbosa: I know right?

Daruk: Your's has no rocks in it! Therefore, it won't taste good.

Urbosa: okay????

Link has gotten started on his filling! He is adding... monster extract? And minced moblin guts. And... never mind.

Revali is whipping up his cream and oooooh. He's adding pear extract to give the cream a pear flavoring.

Mipha is slicing the pear and adding one layer of cream and one layer of pears for her pie filling.

Zelda has taken out her many pie tins and is popping the thin crusts out! The extra Revali gave her has been carefully molded into leaf and crisscross shapes.

Daruk is mixing crushed rubies, emeralds, and sapphires with pears and cream for the filling, I hope the king is still alive after this.

Urbosa is currently baking her bread, ahem, crust in the oven. 

Mipha: Link! Do you think my crust is good?

Link: Of course!

Zelda: Link, do you think my crust is good?

Link: umm, Yes!!!

Mipha: What should I do it there is some lumpy bits?

Link: Well, those are probably the monster parts you put in there so don't do anything

Zelda: Monster parts??

Mipha: ???

Link: What do you mean? Monster parts are a necessity for pies and cakes and such.

Mipha and Zelda: ...

Mipha is adding all sorts of sugary toppings to her pie! It looks like she's making a fish design.

Daruk is pouring his rocky mixture into his rocky crust and oh my, he's crushing rock roasts as a topping.

Urbosa seems to be making up for lost time, she's whipping up her creams and taking her pie crust out of the oven.

Link seems nearly done with his.. monster pear parfait pie? It looks very squishy, slimy, and purple.

Revali is getting some cookies and crushing them into his filling. He is also adding pears around his cream filling.

Zelda is mincing her pear into tiny pieces and folding them into her whipped cream. She is spreading her cream in a layer around the biggest crust which is still in the tin.

Urbosa: heylinkareyouthereihaveaquestionaboutyourconversationwithzeldaandmipha


Urbosa: Aremonsterpartsreallyneeded

Link: ummm

Urbosa: are monster parts really needed?

Link: Yes

Urbosa: Why

Link: Very chewy and yummy

Urbosa: ... really ... ok

Link is putting some pear toppings on his ...coughs ...can't say it ...pie. I'm glad I'm not the judge.

Daruk's pie looks.. expensive and rather sparkly. It must cost the king's entire treasury. Once again, I'm glad I'm not judging this competition.

Mipha's pie is done!!! It looks amazing with all those sparkly sugar designs on it! After the competition, I'm definitely going to snatch a piece.

Revali's pie has all those cut out swirly pear designs that make it look amazing. It smells so good and I would like a slice of that too.

Urbosa is filling her bread crust with her cream with large chunks of pear. 

Zelda is making several layers of pie, one layer of pear cream and one layer of crust that she baked in those little tins. She's arranging Revali's crust in leafy vine shapes over a dome and sending it into ovens, very creative.


Mipha: What

Daruk: Your pie looks very flimsy

Daruk: It looks soft, unlike my diamond gem pie!

Mipha: ...

Daruk: IT"S OKAY

Link: Your pie looks hard

Daruk: okay

All the pies are done!!!

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