✨ じゅうろく✨

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*Jisung's POV*

I sat at the booth, still eating the now melted and runny ice cream.

"Why the fuck did I say that... Now he's probably never gonna wanna talk to me again." I spoke to myself, stabbing my spoon into the liquid ice cream that ended up flying out, staining my shirt.

Great. Now my shirt's icky.

I dropped the spoon into the bowl as it slid down into the pool of ice cream. I carefully got out of the booth, careful not to slam my hipbones onto the corner of the table. I straightened my clothes out a bit before making my way back to Jeno's company.

Knock knock

"Come in." Jeno's monotone invited me when I entered the office. It had a bunch of windows and you could see the city filled with tons of cars, trucks and buildings of different heights. He had only one not hidden by his blackout curtains.

Jeno had his nose buried into a thick book that I didn't bother to look at twice. Not wanting to disturb him, I slumped myself on his couch placed in the dark but cozy corner of the room.

I don't know when but I guess I ended up dozing off in the middle of my long wait. I felt someone shaking me softly, my eyes fluttering open, an involuntary whine escaping my lips.


The loud ass scream followed right after the soft shaking was unexpected, making me scream out loud too. Before I knew it I was on the ground, my bottom hurting due to the impact with the carpeted floor.


"Hehe~~ it's time to get back home."

I helped myself up on my feet since I'm the only reliable person for myself. Mostly. Barely? Mmm....

After a bit of bullying each other and subtly showering each other with our love, we ended up getting back home.

"Welcome home my lovely Nono and baby Sungie!! Freshen up quick! Dinner's already placed on the table. Me and Injunnie are starving!!!"

Getting crushed by a hug that for sure broke most of my 12 pairs of ribs, I meant to take the shortest shower I could. Being late for dinner means Jaemin hyung getting sulky. And sulky Jaemin is a handful to handle even though I have to admit, he's cute.

BUT! In my life, Chenle's the only cute creature!!~~

"Ugh...ew..." I cringed at my own thoughts, proceeding to drown them with the sound of warm water pouring down my head and all over my body.

Taking exactly 5 minutes and 37 seconds to bath, (I timed myself) I put on a loose fitting shirt and stuck to wearing a pair of basketball shorts. The amount of bottom energy I was giving off made my pride plummet. And everyone one the table didn't seem to want to let me breath on peace.

"Didn't know you were the bottom in the relationship Jisungie? I mean... Chenle is quite commanding if I must say." A sly smirk was plastered on Renjun hyung's face that I desperately wanted to wiped off with the well done steak.

Ignoring they're constant teasing, I managed to finish my food, saying my thanks before wrapping myself in my big blanket. Putting a random playlist on shuffle, I tried sleeping.

Well I tried. Insomnia doesn't let people do that shit... my eyes felt heavy but my brain didn't seem to want to let me sleep. A bunch of scenes played by.

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