"This WEI YING! "

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji ignored their uncle's screaming and listened to Wei Wuxian drinking alcohol.
More gulping sound was heard and Lan Wangji understood that Wei Wuxian was drinking Tianzi Xiao alone. 'He's drinking alone because I drove away his friends.'

"Lan-Er, say Wei-Gege."


Lan Wangji heard himself readily calling Wei Wuxian 'Wei-Gege'. His entire body was heating up and from the amused chuckle of Lan Xichen, he understood that this must be showing on his face. Lan Qiren huffed and raised his hands to the heavens and said.

"Look at his behavior. How frivolous!!! I was never wrong at all."

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji ignored their uncle again on mutual agreement.

"Since you still awake, talk to me will you? Hm?
Lan Zhan~"


Lan Wangji had never thought he would speak so casually with someone. He swallowed and listened more. Everyone heard the sound of a slap and Lan Wangji's eyes widened slightly. ' did I hit Wei Ying? '

"This is something you finally react to. Your Forehead ribbon is crooked. "

Wei Wuxian's voice was heard and Lan Wangji decided that he did not in fact hit Wei Wuxian to cause him any harm. Wei Wuxian sounded like his usual cheerful self. But suddenly Lan Wangji understood the words Wei Wuxian said. Wei Wuxian said they his Forehead ribbon was crooked. He took a deep breath and prayed that he did not do anything too embarrassing.

"Crooked? "

Lan Wangji sounded so surprised and like a child that he himself did not recognize the voice. The sound of Wei Wuxian snorting confirmed him that he indeed sounded like somebody else and maybe looked funny too.

"I'll help you. "

"Get away. "

Lan Wangji's eyes shot up from looking at his feet to look at the butterfly. He sounded really annoyed and then again there was the sound of slapping. This time he was sure Wei Wuxian would get angry and leave him alone. But Wei Wuxian's cheerful but impatient voice was heard again.

"It's still crooked. Still crooked. "

"What are you doing?"

Lan Wangji's voice was now really angry now. But instead of getting angry or annoyed Wei Wuxian giggled. The sound made Lan Wangji think that Wei Wuxian was so good in making Lan Wangji lose his temper. He was really an expert in making Lan Wangji feel things that he was not used to.

"I am just trying to help, why are so nervous? "

Lan Wangji sighed thinking of all the time Wei Wuxian spent copying the rules. He took a glance at his uncle and saw he was fuming while without even looking he could feel that his brother had his 'all knowing smile' on his face.

"Forehead ribbon is important. How could I allow someone who isn't my parents, wife or children to touch it? "

Lan Wangji felt so relived in hearing his own voice saying that. He was dreading whether he would have acted on his impulse and did something reckless. Lan Qiren hummed in approval thinking that although his nephew was drunk he did not forget the rules and regulations.


Wei Wuxian laughs filled the Hanshi. Lan Qiren flopped on to his seat and downed a cup of tea and started rubbing his forehead. Lan Xichen smiled more hearing the carefree laughter. Lan Wangji closed his eyes remembering that face and that smile.

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now