"For. My. Son."

Lan Xichen looked at his uncle and then at the Ghost King. He would never be able to stop a fight if it were to happen, he thought belatedly. He gulped seeing the cold expression on the man's face.

"You hurt my child, can't I stop you?"

San Lang asked Lan Qiren. He was still standing near the door while the other two were still across the room. He did not trust himself in holding back if he were to start talking about the way they hurt his son. Lan Qiren looked the Ghost king in the eye and said.

"It was not intentional."

"We are so sorry for what happened."

Lan Xichen said quickly not wanting to invite more trouble. Clearly the fault was theirs but he did not understand why his uncle refusee to apologize for his mistakes. Lan Xichen looked at the man standing there with his hands crossed in front of his chest.

San Lang nodded to Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen tried to smile back but he was not sure how much longer he could fake this level of calmness. ' Wangji, where are you Didi? '

"A-Xian will say that everything was a misunderstanding. He forgets easily and forgives people unconditionally.
And then you the Lans with all your rules said something and hurt my son. Again."

San Lang continued just like he was reciting a speech. He was on the edge, the second he came to know from Feng Xin and Mu Qing that these Lans made A-Xian cry. Without knowing San Lang's inner thoughts Lan Qiren said.

"That was not intentional either."

"You made my son cry. I am not good at forgiving like my Gege or A-Xian."

San Lang said each word more dangerous than the other.
'That is a threat. A clear threat.' Lan Xichen's mind was bussing. He really felt like he should have lied that their uncle was not in Cloud Recesses when he saw the couple walking in. This time they came through the main gate, waiting there and only entering after getting permission from Lan Qiren.

"We looked at the Wall of Rules while coming here because apparently everybody inside Cloud Recesses was supposed to follow those rules? "

Lan Xichen had a doubt that the only reason they came through the make gate was to take a look at those rules. He was sure what was going to happen next. Lan Qiren answered San Lang's question still with the power of being the elder in the room.


"Do not succumb to rage?
Do not bully the weak?
Do not disrespect the younger? "

San Lang said, each sentence changed just a little bit to make it feel like he is asking Lan Qiren a question. Suddenly Lan Qiren realised he was not the elder in the room. He was always used to being the eldest in the room. Nobody questioned his actions ever in Cloud Recesses or in the entire Cultivation world after he took over the duties of Sect Leader.

"Do not make assumptions about others.
Your rules are very interesting."

San Lang said with a very calm voice. His voice barely audible in the room. Lan Xichen felt goosebumps rising hearing all the rules his uncle broke that day. Not just that day, his uncle used to break rules almost everyday since Wei WuXian appeared but nobody called him out. Lan Xichen felt really sad in being right in guessing this was what Crimson Rain Sought Flower will be saying.

"Do you want me to go on Lan Qiren? Do you want me to read all three thousand rules and pick out the ones you broke?"

San Lang asked the distressed Lans. Lan Qiren looked at the opposite wall refusing to meet the other man's eye. He Ghost king had listed four rules for him, and us now asking whether he should continue to list the rest. Lan Qiren's mind which knows all the rules like the back of his hand was now supplying all the other rules he broke in the correct order.

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now