Alive, But How

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*Amelia's P.O.V*

"Amelia? How is this possible?" Cas asked me. I threw the covers off of me and tried to run to him, but I almost fell from pain. Cas grabbed me and set me down on the bed. I hugged him, "You're really here...I didn't think you heard me." He didn't seem to know what to do, but ended up hugging me back. As we parted, he looked at my face and eyes, "Is it really you, Amelia?" "Yes, something pulled me up. I have the same handprints like Dean did when you pulled him up," I responded, taking off the top layer to show my shoulders. Cas examined them, "Strange. I don't remember any other angels involved with you and your brothers. They're all dead." I shrugged, "I don't know." 

We sat in silence for a moment before I asked, " long have I been gone?" He looked at me with a hint of sympathy, "Four years." That hit me like a train as I started tearing up, "Four years?" He only nodded and I started sobbing. I've been away from everyone for four years. "Where are my brothers? Are they still alive?" I asked. "Yes, they are. They are back Kansas," Cas answered. I breathed out in relief and looked at Cas, "Do you think they'll believe you, if you told them I'm alive?" He nodded, "Yes, once I explain what happened, they'll believe me." "Go to them...tell them, please. Tell them I'm in Georgia...I'm not sure how or how to get back to them," I commanded. He only nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder before disappearing.

I sat there, crying silently, when a knock rattled the door, "Come in." It was Daryl and he looked at me, looking uncomfortable at the fact I was crying. There was nothing but silence before I broke it, "What is it?" He cleared his throat before speaking, "Everyone is having breakfast. Rick wanted to know if you wanted to join us?" "Rick?" I asked. "The guy from yesterday...not Hershel," he clarified and I only made an o-shape with my mouth in realization. I thought for a moment and as much as I would rather be left alone, I miss having a meal with family. I looked up at him, knowing full well that my face was filled with heartbreak, pain, and sadness, "I'll join you for breakfast." He only nodded and came over to help me walk. He held my arm over him and I hopped on one leg all the way outside. Rick saw us and grabbed an empty chair and helped me down. Everyone was watching as Daryl brought me a plate and went to sit down away from everyone. "So, what's your name?" a woman with dark brown hair asked. "I'm Tara Nugent," I replied. 

"I'm Lori Grimes, this is my son, Carl...and you've met my husband, Rick," she introduced herself to me, pointing at her son and Rick. I nodded, "Hi." "This is Shane, he's my best friend. That is T-Dawg, Dale, Andrea, and Carol," Rick introduced everyone to me, pointing toward each person. I smile awkwardly and repeat my name. "That's Daryl. He doesn't say much," Rick said, introducing me to him properly. "Yep. I already know him from yesterday," I said, beginning to eat. "So, Tara...Rick tells us you were in a coma and you just woke up. All this must have been quite a shock to you," Lori strikes up conversation. "That would be the understatement of the century," I said, harsher than I meant it to. She looked surprised and I apologized, "Sorry, that sounded harsher than I wanted it to." Everyone just ate in silence afterwards.

I was done with my breakfast and Carol, who was the timid woman came and took my plate. Daryl handed her his plate and came over to me. He helped me up and took me back to the house. He laid me down on the bed and left without saying anything. He seemed to be on a mission; extremely determined to do something. I watched him in the yard as he briefly talked to Carol and left towards the woods. Where was he going? I sighed in boredom when Hershel came in, "How are you today?" I just nodded. "Look, I need to know what happened to you. These scars that my daughter saw...were you tortured?" he asked. I glared at him, "I told you...I will not be interrogated. Leave it be." "If you are gonna live under my roof, you need to answer some questions," he persisted. "I said...Leave. It. Be," I replied threateningly. 

He seemed surprised by my attitude, "Can you at least tell me your real name? I have a feeling you didn't use your real name." I kept my mouth shut and just glared at him. He sighed in defeat, "Fine. How's your ankle?" "It hurts...what did you expect?" I said, crossing my arms as I laid on the bed. I was restless and bored. "Is the pain burning or stabbing?" he asked. "It is an intense, aching pain that shoots sharp pains up my leg as soon as I step on it," I replied in a huff. "Alright. I'm going to bring you some pain killers and ice," Hershel said as he left the room. 

Your Hunter (Currently rewriting)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя