I run over to everyone else. "He shattered your record..." I look at Jack shrugging.

"And that papier-mache solar system outside the science room." Jack points to Milton who had papier-mache all over him...a little too over him...in him?

"It looks like somebody greased his tray." I pick up the tray the has slippery grease all over the bottom.

"Looks like." Truman laughs.

I see a volleyball and pick it up. I look at Truman and get in a serving position. I serve it and it hits him square in the jaw. I mock his laugh. Everyone joins me as he walks away mumbling words.

Just then, Milton came out limping. We all grimace and close our eyes.

"Looks like Saturn in now lodged in the dark side of the moon." Milton limps away with a saturn stuck in his butt.

I look at Jack and hug him burying my face in his chest. He chuckles and hugs me back.

"That's gonna be my nightmares from now on." I mumble in Jack's chest.

Rudy was instructing us when we heard a high pitched scream coming from the bathroom. I look at Jack and he looks at me. Both of us wide eyed as a pink haired Jerry comes screaming from the bathroom in a camo robe. I start laughing and Jack does too. I start to fall over from laughter when Jack catches me and we both stop laughing, looking into each other's eyes. We both start laughing again and he falls down with me.

We roll on the floor laughing till Rudy tells us to stop, but we can't. We finally calm down and look back at Jerry as Jack helps me up.

"Hold on. Something's different. Wait, don't tell me. New bathrobe." I sit next to Jack, on a bench and look at Jerry.

"It's my hair. This is what I get for showering." He snaps at me. "Yo Rudy, what kind of shampoo are we using?" He holds up the bottle.

"That's the same shampoo we always use." Rudy points to the bottle, snickering here and there.

Jerry rips off the label,"Wait this isn't shampoo. It's pink hair dye."

"Dude, do you shampoo your leg hair?" Jack looks at Jerry's legs.

Once I look, I start laughing again, making Jack laugh. I fall in to him and he just holds me in his arms. We eventually calm down just when Truman walks in.

"Love your new look! Awesome. Just awesome." Truman claps.

Jack stay seated holding me in his arms,"I know you did this Truman." Jack looks at the annoying boy. "Somehow you snuck in here and switched out the shampoo for pink hair dye."

Jack taps my hip twice which means to get up, but when he tapped my hip, my gi had lifted up a bit and his soft hands touched my bare skin. I get butterflies, but got off of Jack so he could stand. I feel heat rising in my cheeks as I think about what just happened.

I tune back in to see Truman put a hand on his heart, gasping mockingly.

"No it wasn't Truman. I've been here all day and I never once saw him ooze his was in here." Rudy crosses his arms.

"Looks like I've got an airtight alibi. See ya around, Pinky." Truman laughs and walks out.

I get up and walk over to Jack. "That alien gets on my nerves." I groan.

He holds up his hand for me to punch. I sigh and punch his hand as hard as I can, grunting.

"Thank you." I look at his now red hand and his face that looks like it hurt. "Sowwy." I say in a baby voice and grab his hand, kissing it softly. "Better?" I ask.

Braver - Jack BrewerWhere stories live. Discover now