Episode 2: Barricade Challenge! Indomitable Roc!

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Episode 2:

"AHHHHHHH!!! WHY CAN'T I DO IT?!" It was morning again, seven hours since Batal had forged Heroic Bellerophon. Batal had gotten permission to go to Albert's bey workshop to practice with Bellerophon by his parents, as to why he was now training here. Batal brought his hands to his head, groaning in frustration as Bellerophon went around the stadium, a yellow streak of light streaming from its driver as he growled. Albert, confused as to what Batal was so frustrated over, would walk over.

"What seems to be the problem, Batal?" The man would say, looking down at his "grandson" in a confused manner as Batal snatched up his bey.

"Its my launch! When I battled Rin, he did this glowing thing with his launcher with some kind of cool glowy thing coming from it! Valt did the same thing when he battled Sisco!" He would say, flashbacks of Rin and Valt's launches going through his head as he launched again at full force, only for no light to burst out of his launcher as Bellerophon landed in the stadium, circling around it at high speeds, though far from its full potential. "COME ONNNNNNNNN!" He would yell out, groaning in annoyance once more as he snatched up the yellow silver and green attack type, obviously getting extremely impatient.

"Ah yes, the Blazing Shoot," Albert would say, getting up from the phone with Batal's mother. Iki and Gigi were looking for Batal, so Albert had told Batal's mother to tell them to come to his bey workshop in the back of his house. Stroking his beard, he analyzed Batal's launching position. Walking over, it was obvious that Batal's launch simply wasn't strong enough in order to pull off a Blazing Shoot. "A Blazing Shoot is no easy task to pull off, Batal. It requires incredibly extensive training in order to perform one. It took Rin almost a week to pull one off, and he didn't have a Densetsu bey," Albert would say calmly, putting a reassuring hand on Batal's shoulder. "Even then, you have still shown growth. Your launch power has been growing steadily. I'd say maybe another few days and you should be able to-"

"A COUPLE DAYS?! AWWW MAAAANNN!" Batal would say, groaning impatiently after launching. "Why does everything have to be so-"

"Batal, there you are you numbskull!" Gigi would say as she entered the room through one of the doors to the left, Iki following behind as Albert's small Boston Terrier: Buck, barked at them repeatedly, following the two bladers. 

"T-the dog won't s-stop barking at me..." Iki would say, whimpering slightly. He wasn't the biggest fan of dogs ever since he had that incident with their neighbor's Rottweiler. He'd been skittish around canines ever since. Albert, noticing this, would call the dog over to the door leading to the interior of his house. Buck would pant happily as Albert grabbed a treat from a small jar before tossing it into the main house area, Buck leaping after it before Albert shut the door behind the terrier, nodding to Iki, who would give a weak thumbs up in thanks.

"I heard from your mom you got a new bey?" Gigi would ask him, her hands on her hips in an interrogative manner. Batal, grinning, would hold out his new bey towards his friends.

"This is Heroic Bellerophon: The bey that's gonna take on the blading world with me!" Batal would say proudly. "I made it myself, with a little help from Mr. Hikari of course!" Gigi and Iki would grin as they looked at the bey, Gigi snatching it out of Batal's hands to analyze it.

"I can see you took a ton of inspiration from Valkyrie and Hyperion!" Gigi would say, smirking knowingly as Batal gave a sheepish chuckle before she handed Bellerophon back to its blader.

"Yeah! Valkyrie and Hyperion are super strong! If I'm gonna surpass them, I'll have to be equipped with an awesome bey!" He would say, holding up his bey and grinning, Bellerophon shining as Batal snapped back to reality. "We're still a long way off though... I haven't even nailed a Blazing Shoot."

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