76. Force

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You threw every piece of metal towards your father, but of course he took his hand out and altered it. The two of you tried to push the metal over to the other, but were just as strong. None of you are willing to lose. He knew that even if you didn't want to right now because of the drugs you had inside of you, that you deep down weren't ready to let go of this world. You were too young and still had many things to look forward to. He only needed to conceive you that this was for your best.

"Y/n, you can't win this battle. If you kill me, you are only killing yourself. You can only lose. You need to give up" He yelled over to you.

You could see his eyes starting to water up, but you wouldn't fall for it. It was all an act. He wanted you to fall for it, like everyone on Genosha had done for him. Sadly for him, you would never do that for him. Erik was nothing else than a preacher of violence, thinking he was above the rest of us, but you had enough of it. You didn't let go of the metal, and tighten the grip around it as you started to move towards him, pushing it his way. He understood what you were doing and immediately dropped down to the ground. Instead of holding the metal, he started to melt it up all around you. You tried to freeze it, but it was too late. You lost grip of it as it melted to the ground. He dragged you down with the metal, forcing you to stay down with him.

"Why can't you let me do this one thing for you without a fight?" he yelled as he walked towards you. You stared down at the ground. You were not willing to look up at this man anymore, not in any form or sense. This was not about letting him in again, trusting him, you knew he was aware that the train for best father-daughter relationship was far gone. He only wanted to do this to feel good about himself and he didn't deserve that.

"You don't get it, do you?" you asked, your voice low. He stopped the metal in the air to be able to hear you, but he tightened the grip around you, making sure you couldn't move.

"You always blamed the way you got treated on the fact that you're a mutant, but have your mind ever considered that it is simply because of how you are to others?"  you asked. His blood was starting to boil, he didn't have time for our silly mind games. It was clear as a day that you had spent too much time with people with thoughts and not muscles. You were never strong enough to truly beat him, cause you would always overthink and complicat it for yourself and the people around you.  That's how he knew he had the upper hand with you, all the time. It didn't matter if you had time to prepare or gotten stronger physically, because your own damn mind would always destroy you. That's at least what he thought.

"I have never been treated fairly, but it was never because of my mutant powers. On the outside looking in, it may look like it is the reason, but it never was... I always got treated unfairly because of my hateful terrorist father. People always assumed I was like you and to a certain extent I guess they were right. You made me like this, right?" you asked stone cold and for the first time you looked back up at him. You slowly started to melt the metal around you and made sure he didn't notice.

Believe it or not, even your father had a soft spot for you. Ever since you ran away he had underestimated you and what you were capable of. He thought that only since you happen to morally be different from him that you were weaker. Especially after you stopped using your powers to work for Mr.Stark.To a certain degree, that was true, but what your father didn't think about, was what Tony taught you instead.

"I know I have caused you pain, and I can never take back any of my actions against you or any other mutant kind, but at least I can try to do right by the ones I've done wrong" Erik said and now only stood a meter away from you. You started to smile.

"But it's too late dad" you said and melted up the metal around you. Instead of leaning at your powers, you did what Tony taught you to - follow your heart, which meant beating the shit out of your dad right now.

You dogged the metal he tried to throw at you. You could already sense them moving the second he altered them and immediately kicked him down with three solid hard kicks at his chest, but of course he got up. You altered five metal pieces for you to run up on like like it was stairs, then jumped down, kicking him right in the face. You now stood above him, looking down at the beaten up man. You lifted him up by his shirt and leaned him up against a tree. You gave him a solid punch in the face again causing him to bleed even more. You looked down at your own fist, covered in his blood and kneeled down to him.

"That's the difference between you and me. I am just as much human as I am mutant. I have learned how to throw a punch. How to fight with my own bare hands, without any special powers," you said and reached out your hand, blocking the metal piece he tried to throw at the back of you.

"Y/n I am sorry! Let me just help you this one time, this isn't you! You gonna die." He stuttered out of his mouth. You looked at him. You knew you were only a punch away from finally killing him. It was no way he would be able to talk you out of this. This was your moment, this was your chance at true revenge, but also to get some fucking peace and nobody were gonna stop you. You lifted your hand up.

"That's the thing dad, I don't care if I live or die anymore," you whispered with a smile on your lips, ready to throw the last punch, when somebody grabbed your waist and pushed you away from your father.

"But I do care," Zemo yelled, holding you down.

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